import base 
import ts 

theory OpenSetTopology : base:?Logic = 
	include collections?Properties 

	prop_isTopology : {G : type} collection G ⟶ prop  
	  = [G,C] prop_emptyInColl C ∧ prop_fullInColl C ∧ prop_unionInColl C ∧ prop_finiteIntersection C 
	  # isTopology 2 
	theory topology_theory : base:?Logic > X : type ❘ =
		include typedsets?SetCollection/setColl_theory (X) 
		axiom_empty : ⊦ prop_emptyInColl coll 
		axiom_full : ⊦ prop_fullInColl coll 
		axiom_union : ⊦ prop_unionInColl coll 
		axiom_intersection: ⊦ prop_finiteIntersection coll 
	topology = [X : type] Mod ☞?OpenSetTopology/topology_theory (X)
	topologicalSpace : kind  = {'
		universe : type ,
		topology : topology universe
	topologyOf : {G: topologicalSpace} collection (G.universe)  = [G] (G.topology).coll  # topologyOf 1 
	isOpen : {G : topologicalSpace} set (G.universe) ⟶ prop  = [G,S] S ∈ (topologyOf G)  # open 2
	isClosed : {G : topologicalSpace} set (G.universe) ⟶ prop = [G,S] ((doms G)\ S) ∈ (topologyOf G)  # closed 2
	isClopen : {G : topologicalSpace} set (G.universe) ⟶ prop  = [G,S] closed S ∧ open S  

theory coarsefineTopology : base:?Logic = 
  include ?OpenSetTopology 
  coarserTopology : {A} collection A ⟶ collection A ⟶ prop  = [A,T1,T2] T1 ⊑ T2 
  finerTopology : {A} collection A ⟶ collection A ⟶ prop  = [A,T1,T2] T2 ⊑ T1 

theory TrivialTopology : base:?Logic = 
  include ?OpenSetTopology 
  include ☞base:?InformalProofs 
  trivialTopology : {A : type} collection A  // = [A] setList (set A) ((emptySet A) , ((fullset A) , nil A))  # trivialTopology 1 
	lemma_empty : {A} ⊦ prop_emptyInColl (trivialTopology A)  = [A] sketch "by construction"  # lemma_empty 1
	lemma_full : {A} ⊦ prop_fullInColl (trivialTopology A)  = [A] sketch "by construction"  # lemma_full 1
	lemma_union : {A} ⊦ prop_unionInColl (trivialTopology A)  = [A] sketch "by construction"  # lemma_union 1
	lemma_intersection: {A} ⊦ prop_finiteIntersection (trivialTopology A)  = [A] sketch "by construction"  # lemma_intersection 1

  indiscreteSpace : {A : type} topologicalSpace  // = [A] [' 
      universe := A , 
      topology := trivialTopology A,
      axiom_empty := lemma_empty A,
      axiom_full := lemma_full A,
      (axiom_union) := lemma_union A,
      axiom_intersection := lemma_intersection A
  // ^ "x.topology" still needs to be the record
  	containing the collection and all the proofs. The topological space only contains the universe and the topology (which is a record itself). ❙

theory DiscreteSpace : base:?Logic =
   include ?OpenSetTopology 
   include ☞base:?InformalProofs 
   discreteTopology : {A} set A ⟶ collection A  = [A,S] ℘ S 
 	// lemma_empty : {A : type } ⊦ ∀[S : set A] prop_emptyInColl (discreteTopology S) ❘ = sketch "by construction" ❙
	// lemma_full : ⊦ ∀[S] prop_fullInColl (discreteTopology S) ❘ sketch "by construction" ❙
	// lemma_union : ⊦ ∀[S] prop_unionInColl (discreteTopology S) ❘ sketch "by construction" ❙
	// lemma_intersection: ⊦ ∀[S] prop_finiteIntersection (discreteTopology S) sketch "by construction" ❙
    // discreteSpace : {A} set A ⟶ topologicalSpace A ❘ = [A,S] ['
	universe := A, 
	topology := ℘ S 
	axiom_empty := lemma_empty A,
	axiom_full := lemma_full A,
        axiom_union := lemma_union A,
        axiom_intersection := lemma_intersection A
  	'] ❙
theory ClosureInterior : base:?Logic = 
  include ?OpenSetTopology 
   closure : {G : topologicalSpace} set (G.universe) ⟶ set (G.universe) 
    = [G,S] ⋃ ⟪ topologyOf G | ([T] closed T ∧ S ⊑ T) ⟫ ([T] T)  # closure 2
   interior : {G : topologicalSpace} set (G.universe) ⟶ set (G.universe)
    = [G,S] ⋂ ⟪ topologyOf G | ([T] open T ∧ T ⊑ S) ⟫ ([T] T)  # interior 2 
   boundary : {G : topologicalSpace} set (G.universe) ⟶ set (G.universe) 
    = [G,S] closure S \ interior S  # boundary 2
theory Neighborhood : base:?Logic = 
  include ?OpenSetTopology 
  neighborhood : {G : topologicalSpace} (G.universe) ⟶ set (G.universe) ⟶ prop 
    = [G,a,S] S ∈ topologyOf G ∧ a ∈ S  # neighborhood 3 2

theory LimitPoint : base:?Logic = 
  include ?Neighborhood 
  limitPoint : {G : topologicalSpace} (G.universe) ⟶ set (G.universe) ⟶ prop 
    = [G][a,S] S ⊑ doms G ∧ a ∈ S ∧ ∀[N : set (dom G)] neighborhood N a ⇒ ∃[b] b ∈ N ∧ ¬ a ≐ b 

theory Continuity : base:?Logic = 
  include ?Neighborhood 
  include ☞ts:?Functions 
  // continuous_def : the preimage of an open set is open ❙
  continuous : {X : topologicalSpace, Y : topologicalSpace} ((dom X) ⟶ (dom Y)) ⟶ prop  
     = [X,Y,f] ∀[O] O ∈ topologyOf X ⇒ (im f O) ∈ topologyOf Y 
      # continuous 3 
  continuousAt : {X : topologicalSpace, Y : topologicalSpace} ((dom X) ⟶ (dom Y)) ⟶ (dom X) ⟶ prop  
     = [X,Y,f,x] ∀[V] neighborhood V (f x) ⇒ neighborhood (preim f V) x
      # continuousAt 3 4 

theory Compactness : base:?Logic = 
  include ?OpenSetTopology 
  // compact_def: every open cover C of dom G has a finite subcover D of dom G ❙
  compact : {G : topologicalSpace} prop  = [G] ∀[C] C covers (fullset (G.universe)) ⇒ ∃[D] D subcover C on (fullset (G.universe))  # compact 1 
theory TopologyBase : base:?Logic = 
  include ?OpenSetTopology 
  base : {X: topologicalSpace}collection (X.universe) ⟶prop  = [G,B] ∀[O] O ∈ topologyOf G ⇒ ∃[C] C ⊑ B ∧ O ≐ UNION C  # 2 basefor 1
theory HausdorffTopology : base:?Logic = 
   include ?OpenSetTopology 
   include typedsets?SetRelations 
   hausdorffProperty : {G : type}(collection G) ⟶ prop 
     = [G,T] ∀[p] ∀ [q] p ∈ (fullset G) ∧ q ∈ (fullset G) ∧ p ≠ q ⇒ 
       ∃[P]∃[Q]P ∈ T ∧ Q ∈ T ∧ p ∈ P ∧ q ∈ Q ∧ disjoint P Q  role abbreviation 
   theory hausdorff_theory : base:?Logic > X : type ❘ =
   	 include ?OpenSetTopology/topology_theory (X) 
   	 ishausdorff : ⊦ hausdorffProperty X coll 
   hausdorffTopology : type ⟶ type  = [X : type] Mod ☞?HausdorffTopology/hausdorff_theory (X) 
   hausdorffSpace : kind = {'
		universe : type ,
		topology : hausdorffTopology universe