import base 
import arith 

theory TypedSets : base:?Logic =
  include ☞base:?Lists 
  include ☞base:?Subtyping 
  /T the type operator of sets along with its constructors ❙
  set: type ⟶ type  = [A] A ⟶ prop 

  setCons: {A} A ⟶ set A ⟶ set A  = [A] [a,P] [x] P x ∨ x ≐ a # 3 <- 2 
  setList : {A} List A ⟶  set A  #  2  
  inSet : {A : type} A ⟶ set A ⟶ prop  = [A][a,P] P a  # 2  3 
  bsetst : {A} set A ⟶ (A ⟶ prop) ⟶ set A  = [A][P,Q] [x] P x ∧ Q x  #  2 | 3  
  fullset : {A} set A  = [A] [x] true  # fullset 1 
  setAsType : {A: type, P: set A} type  = [A,P] ⟨ x : A | ⊦ P x ⟩  # asType 2 
   // TODO, need a lot of congruence rules that make sure that setcons ACI ❙

theory SetQuantifiers : base:?Logic =
  include ☞base:?NatLiterals 
  include ?TypedSets 

  forall_sets : {A: type } set A ⟶ (A ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop 
    = [A,S,P] ∀[x:A] x ∈ S ⇒ P x  #   2 . 3 prec -101 
  exists_sets : {A: type } set A ⟶ (A ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop 
    = [A,S,P] ∃[x:A] x ∈ S ∧ P x  #   2 . 3 prec -101 
  exists_n_sets : {A:type} ℕ ⟶ set A ⟶ (A ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop  # ∃= 2  3 . 4 prec -102 

theory EmptySet : base:?Logic =
	 include ?TypedSets 
  emptySet : {A} set A  = [A] [x] false#  %I1 
  empty : {A} set A ⟶ prop 
         = [A,s] s ≐ ∅   # empty 2 
  nonEmpty : {A} set A ⟶ prop 
         = [A,s] s ≠ ∅  
  inhabited : {A} set A ⟶ prop  # inhabited 2 
  axiom_inhabited : {A} ⊦ ∀[S:set A] inhabited S ⇔ (∃ [x] (x ∈ S)) 
  axiom_emptySet : {A} ⊦ ¬ (∃ [x:A] (x ∈ ∅)) 

theory Singleton : base:?Logic =
   include ?EmptySet 
   single : {A} A ⟶ set A  = [A,a] ∅ <- a  # single 2 
   singleton : {A} set A ⟶ prop  = [A,s] ∃[x] s ≐ single x  # singleton 2 

  // consider merge this with singleton ❚
theory Tuples : base:?Logic =
	 include ?EmptySet 
	 double : {A} A ⟶ A ⟶ set A  = [A,a,b] ∅ <- a <- b  # double 2 3 
	 triple : {A} A ⟶ A ⟶ A ⟶ set A  = [A,a,b,c] ∅ <- a <- b <- c  # triple 2 3 4 

theory Union : base:?Logic =
   include ?TypedSets 
   include ☞base:?DescriptionOperator 
   axiom_union : {A,a : set A, b : set A} ⊦ ∃! [x: set A] ∀[y : A] y ∈ x ⇔ (y ∈ a ∨ y ∈ b) # axiom_union 1 2 3
   union : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ set A  # 2  3  = [A,a,b] 
   		that (set A) ([x: set A] ∀[y : A] y ∈ x ⇔ (y ∈ a ∨ y ∈ b)) (axiom_union A a b) 
   munionCollection:  {A,B} set A ⟶ (A ⟶ set B) ⟶ set B  #  3 4
   unionCollection : {A} set (set A) ⟶ set A  = [A, s] ⋃ s ([e] e)  # UNION 2 

theory Intersection : base:?Logic =
   include ?TypedSets 
   intersection : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ set A  # 2  3  = [A,a,b] ⟪ a | ([x] x ∈ b) ⟫ 
   mintersectCollection : {A,B} set A ⟶ (A ⟶ set B) ⟶ set B  #  3 4 
   intersectCollection : {A} set (set A) ⟶ set A  = [A, s] ⋂ s ([e] e)  # INTERSECT 2 

theory SetRelations : base:?Logic =
   include ?Intersection 
   include ?EmptySet 
   subset : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ prop  = [A,S,T] ∀[x] x ∈ S ⇒ x ∈ T  # 2  3 
   properSubset : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ prop = [A,S,T] (S ⊑ T) ∧ ¬ S ≐ T  # 2  3 
   superset : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ prop  = [A,S,T] ∀[x] x ∈ T ⇒ x ∈ S  # 2  3 
   properSuperset : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ prop = [A,S,T] (S ⊒ T) ∧ ¬ S ≐ T  # 2  3 
   disjoint : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ prop = [O,A,B] A ∩ B ≐ ∅  # disjoint 2 3 
   sameSet : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ prop  = [A,S,T] (S ⊑ T) ∧ (T ⊑ S)   # same_set 2 3 

theory PowerSet : base:?Logic =
	include ?TypedSets 
	powerset : {A} set A ⟶ set (set A) #  2 
	// TODO ❙


theory SetDifference : base:?Logic =
	include ?Singleton 
	include ?Union 
	setdiff : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ set A = [O,A,B] ⟪ A | ([x] ¬ x ∈ B) ⟫  # 2 \ 3 
	symdiff : {A} set A ⟶ set A ⟶ set A = [O,A,B] (A \ B) ∪ (B \ A)  # 2 symdiff 3 
	complement : {A} set A ⟶ set A = [O,A] (fullset O \ A)  # compl 2 
	// take out an element from a set ❙
	subtract : {A} set A ⟶ A ⟶ set A = [O,A,a] A \ (single a)  # 2 - 3 
theory BasicLemmata : base:?Logic =
	include ?SetDifference 
	include ?SetRelations 
	lemma_extensionality: {A} ⊦ ∀[a:set A] ∀[b:set A] same_set a b ⇔ a ≐ b 
	lemma_universeMember : {A} ⊦ ∀ [a : A] (a ∈ (fullset A)) 
	lemma_subsetTransitive : {A} ⊦ ∀ [s : set A] ∀ [t : set A] ∀ [u : set A] (subset A s t ∧ subset A t u) ⇒ subset A s u 
	lemma_subsetReflexive : {A} ⊦ ∀ [s : set A] subset A s s 
	lemma_subsetAntisymmetric : {A} ⊦ ∀ [s : set A] ∀ [t : set A] (subset A s t ∧ subset A t s) ⇒ s ≐ t 
	lemma_emptyset : {A} ⊦ ∀ [s : set A] subset A ∅ s 
	lemma_emptySetSubset : {A} ⊦ ∀ [s : set A] ( subset A s ∅) ⇒ s ≐ ∅ 
	lemma_properSubsetTransitive : {A} ⊦ ∀ [s : set A] ∀ [t : set A] ∀ [u : set A] (s ⊂ t ∧ t ⊂ u) ⇒ s ⊂ u 
	lemma_properSubsetIrreflexive : {A} ⊦ ∀ [s : set A] ¬ (s ⊂ s) 

theory FiniteCardinality : base:?Logic =
	include ?TypedSets 
	include arithmetics?NaturalNumbers 
	finite : {A} set A ⟶ prop # 2 finite 
	cardinality : {A, a : set A}⊦ a finite ⟶ ℕ # | 2 | %I3 
	infinite : {A} set A ⟶ prop = [A,S] ¬ S finite  # 2 infinite 

theory SetStructures : base:?Logic =

	theory setstruct_theory : base:?Logic =
		universe : type  # U
	setstruct = Mod ☞?SetStructures/setstruct_theory  role abbreviation
	include ?TypedSets 

	dom : setstruct ⟶ type  = [S] (S.universe)  role abbreviation
	doms : {S : setstruct}set (dom S)  = [S] fullset (dom S)  role abbreviation 

theory IndicatorFunction :  base:?Logic =
	include ?TypedSets 
	include ☞arith:?NaturalNumbers 
	include ☞base:?DescriptionOperator 
	indicatorFunction : {A : type} set A ⟶ A ⟶ ℕ = [A,s,a] if (a ∈ s) then (1 : ℕ) else 0  

theory AllSets : base:?Logic =
	include ?FiniteCardinality 
	include ?PowerSet 
	include ?Union 
	include ?SetDifference 
	include ?SetStructures 
	include ?SetRelations 

	typeof : {A} set A ⟶ type // = [A,s] ⟨ x : A | ⊦ x ∈ s⟩  # setastype 2 
	elemof : {A}{s : set A, e : A} ⊦ e ∈ s ⟶ setastype s  # elem 2 3 %I4

theory SetCollection : base:?Logic =
   include ?AllSets 

   collection : type ⟶ type  = [G] set (set G)
   theory setColl_theory : base:?Logic > X : type ❘ =
   	  coll : collection X 
   	  colltype = setastype coll 
   setColl = [X : type] Mod ☞?SetCollection/setColl_theory (X) 
   emptySetInType : {T, S : setColl T, emptyincoll : ⊦ ∅ ∈ (S.coll) } S.colltype  # ∅t %I1 %I2 %I3 
   fullSetInType : {T, S : setColl T, fullincoll : ⊦ (fullset T) ∈ (S.coll) } S.colltype  # fullt %I1 %I2 %I3 

theory TaggedSetCollection : base:?Logic =
	include ?SetCollection 
	include ☞base:?ProductTypes 
	taggedCollection : type ⟶ type = [G] set (G × set G)