import base 
import ar 

theory PrOSet : base:?Logic = 
	include ?Relations 
	include ☞base:?NaturalDeduction 
	include ☞base:?InformalProofs 
	include ?AllSets 
  theory proset_theory : base:?Logic = 
     include ?SetStructures/setstruct_theory 
     ord : U ⟶ U ⟶ bool  # 1  2  prec 5 
     axiom_reflexive : ⊦ reflexive ord 
     axiom_transitive : ⊦ transitive ord 
     lemma_preOrder : ⊦ preOrder ord  = and_introduction axiom_reflexive axiom_transitive 
     strictord : U ⟶ U ⟶ bool  = [a,b] ord a b ∧ ¬ a ≐ b  # 1  2 prec 5 
     strict_lemma : ⊦ strictPreOrder strictord  = sketch "by construction" 
     prop_upperBound : set U ⟶ U ⟶ bool  = [S,b] ∀[s] S s ⇒ (s ≼ b) 
     prop_lowerBound : set U ⟶ U ⟶ bool  = [S,b] ∀[s] S s ⇒ (b ≼ s) 
     prop_directed : bool  = ∀[a] ∀[b] ∃[c] a ≼ c ∧ b ≼ c 
     prop_directedSubset : (U ⟶ bool) ⟶ bool  = [F] ∀[a] ∀[b] F a ∧ F b ⇒ ∃[c] F c ∧ a ≼ c ∧ b ≼ c 
  proset = Mod ☞?PrOSet/proset_theory  role abbreviation 

theory LeastMost : base:?Logic = 
   include ☞base:?DescriptionOperator 
   include ?Relations 
	include ?AllSets 
    prop_isLeast : {A : type} A ⟶ (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ (A ⟶ A ⟶ bool) ⟶ bool  = [A,x,P,R] P x ∧ ∀[y] P y ⇒ R x y  # isLeast 2 3 4  
    least : {A : type} (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ (A ⟶ A ⟶ bool) ⟶ A  = [A,P,R] ι [x] isLeast x P R  # least 2 3   
    prop_isGreatest : {A : type} A ⟶ (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ (A ⟶ A ⟶ bool) ⟶ bool  = [A,x,P,R] isLeast x P (converse R)  # isGreatest 2 3 4  
    greatest : {A : type} (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ (A ⟶ A ⟶ bool) ⟶ A  = [A,P,R] ι [x] isGreatest x P R  # greatest 2 3
    // least/greatest assume that there is a unique least element. Instead minimal/maximal return a set of minimal elements (a singleton
    // if there is a unique one). ❙
    minimal: {A : type} (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ (A ⟶ A ⟶ bool) ⟶ set A  = [A,P,R] ι [s] ∀[x] x ∈ s ⇒ isLeast x P R  # minimal 2 3
    maximal: {A : type} (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ (A ⟶ A ⟶ bool) ⟶ set A  = [A,P,R] ι [s] ∀[x] x ∈ s ⇒ isGreatest x P R  # maximal 2 3

theory DirectedSet : base:?Logic =
	include algebra?OperationProps 
	include ☞base:?InformalProofs 
	include ?LeastMost 
	include ?PrOSet 
	theory directedSet_theory : base:?Logic =
   		include ?PrOSet/proset_theory 
   		lub : set U ⟶ U  = [S] least (prop_upperBound S) ord 
   		glb : set U ⟶ U  = [S] greatest (prop_lowerBound S) ord 
   		meet : U ⟶ U ⟶ U  = [a,b] lub [x] x ≐ a ∧ x ≐ b 
   		join : U ⟶ U ⟶ U  = [a,b] glb [x] x ≐ a ∨ x ≐ b 
      axiom_directed : ⊦ prop_directed 
   		meetIdenpotent : ⊦ prop_idempotent meet  =  sketch "by idempotence of conjunction" 
   		meetAssociative : ⊦ prop_associative meet  = sketch "by associativity of conjunction" 
   		meetCommutative : ⊦ prop_commutative meet  = sketch "by commutativity of conjunction" 
   		joinIdempotent : ⊦ prop_idempotent join  =  sketch "by idempotence of disjunction" 
   		joinAssociative : ⊦ prop_associative join  = sketch "by associativity of disjunction" 
   		joinCommutative : ⊦ prop_commutative join  = sketch "by commutativity of disjunction" 
   directedSet = Mod ☞?DirectedSet/directedSet_theory  role abbreviation 

theory Fixpoints : base:?Logic =
	include ?AllSets 
	isFixpoint: {A:type, f:A ⟶ A, a:A} prop  = [A,f,a] f a  ≐  a 
	fixpoints: {A:type} (A ⟶ A) ⟶ set A  = [A,f] ι [s] ∀[x] x ∈ s ⇒ isFixpoint A f x 

theory POSet : base:?Logic = 
  include ?PrOSet 
  theory poset_theory : base:?Logic = 
     include ?PrOSet/proset_theory 
     axiom_antisymmetric : ⊦ antisymmetric ord 
     lemma_partialOrder : ⊦ partialOrder ord  = and_introduction lemma_preOrder axiom_antisymmetric
     strict_lemma : ⊦ strictPartialOrder strictord  = sketch "by construction" 
  poset = Mod ☞?POSet/poset_theory  role abbreviation 

theory SupremumReal : base:?Logic =
	include ?AllSets 
	include ?LeastMost 
	include ☞ar:?ExtendedReals 
	supremumReal : set ℝ ⟶ ℝ= [s] least ([a] ∀[x] x ∈ s ⇒ x ≤ a)  ([a,b] a ≤ b)   # supR 1