import base 
import ts 
import num 

theory Graphs : base:?Logic =
    include ☞ts:?AllSets 
	include ☞ts:?Relations 
	include ☞ts:?Union 
	include ☞num:?NaturalArithmetics 
    include ☞ts:?SetQuantifiers 

	nodetype : type 
	theory dgraph_theory : base:?Logic =
	    nodes : set nodetype 
	    edges : relation nodetype nodetype 

	    successors : nodetype ⟶ set nodetype 
	        = [a] ⟪ nodes | ([x] edges a x) ⟫ 

	    predecessors : nodetype ⟶ set nodetype 
	        = [a] ⟪ nodes | ([x] edges x a) ⟫ 

	    neighbours : nodetype ⟶ set nodetype 
	        = [a] (successors a) ∪ (predecessors a)  

    	n_regular : ℕ ⟶ prop  = [n] ∀ ∈ nodes . [a] ∃= n ∈ (neighbours a) . [b] TRUE 

	theory ugraph_theory : base:?Logic = 
		include ☞?Graphs/dgraph_theory 
		undirected_edges : ⊦ symmetric edges 

	theory finite_dgraph_theory : base:?Logic =
    	include ☞?Graphs/dgraph_theory 
    	finite : ⊦ nodes finite 

    theory finite_ugraph_theory : base:?Logic =
        include ☞?Graphs/ugraph_theory 
        include ☞?Graphs/finite_dgraph_theory 

	dgraph : kind  = Mod ☞?Graphs/dgraph_theory  role abbreviation 
	ugraph : kind  = Mod ☞?Graphs/ugraph_theory  role abbreviation 

	finite_dgraph : kind  = Mod ☞?Graphs/finite_dgraph_theory  role abbreviation 
	finite_ugraph : kind  = Mod ☞?Graphs/finite_ugraph_theory  role abbreviation 
 	include ☞ts:?RelationClosure 
	nodesOf : {g: dgraph}set nodetype  = [g] (g.nodes)  # nodes 1
	dEdgesOf : {g: dgraph}relOn nodetype  = [g] (g.edges)  # edgesOf 1
	uEdgesOf : {g: ugraph}relOn nodetype  = [g] symmetric_closure (g.edges)  # edgesOf 1 

	order : finite_dgraph ⟶ ℕ  = [g] | nodesOf g | 

	include ☞base:?InformalProofs 
	inducedUGraph : dgraph ⟶ ugraph  = [d : dgraph] ['
		nodes := d.nodes , 
		edges := symmetric_closure (d.edges) ,
		undirected_edges := trivial

theory emptyGraph : base:?Logic = 
  include ?Graphs 
  graphEmpty : dgraph ⟶ bool  = [g] empty (g.nodes) 
  emptyGraph : dgraph  = ['
	  nodes := emptySet nodetype ,
	  edges := ([x : nodetype,y : nodetype] false)
	']  #  
	graphEdgeless : dgraph ⟶ bool  = [g] (g.edges) ≐ [x,y] false 
	edgelessGraph : set nodetype ⟶ dgraph  = [S] ['
      nodes := S ,
      edges := ([x : nodetype,y : nodetype] false)

theory GraphOrderSize : base:?Logic =
  include ?Graphs 
  include ☞ts:?FiniteCardinality 
  order : dgraph ⟶ ℕ  = [g] | nodesOf g |  # | 1 | 
  // TODO: we would need to convert a relation into a set of pairs and count that ❙
  //size : dgraph ⟶ ℕ ❘ = [g] | dedgesOf g | ❘ # || 1 || ❙

theory GraphDegree : base:?Logic =
  include ?Graphs 
  include ☞ts:?FiniteCardinality 

  // indegree : {g : dgraph} (g.nodes) ⟶ ℕ ❘ = [g,n] | ⟪ dedgesOf g | [e] π2 e ≐n  ⟫ | ❘ indeg 2❙
  // outdegree : {g : dgraph} (g.nodes) ⟶ ℕ ❘ = [g,n] | ⟪ dedgesOf g | [e] π1 e ≐n  ⟫ | ❘ outdeg 2❙
  // degree : {g : ugraph} (g.nodes) ⟶ ℕ ❘ = [g,n] | ⟪ dedgesOf g | [e] π1 e ≐n  ⟫ | ❘ degree 2❙

theory InitialTerminal : base:?Logic = 
   include ?Graphs 
   // initial : {g : dgraph} (g.nodes) ⟶ bool ❘ = [g,n] ¬∃[e] e ∈ (g.edges) ∧ ∃[m] e m n ❘ # initial 2 ❙
   // terminal : {g : dgraph} (g.nodes) ⟶ bool ❘ = [g,n] ¬∃[e] e ∈ (g.edges) ∧ ∃[m] e n m ❘ # terminal 2 ❙
   // sets =/= types ❙

theory GraphMorphisms :base:?Logic =
    include ?Graphs 

    theory graphMorphism_theory > g1 : ugraph, g2 : ugraph ❘ =
        fun : nodetype ⟶ nodetype 

        morphism_property : ⊦ ∀ ∈ (g1.nodes) . [n1] ∀ ∈ (g1.nodes) . [n2] (g1.edges) n1 n2 ⇒ (g2.edges) (fun n1) (fun n2)