
import top 
import base 

import meta 

//   author: Theresa Pollinger ❚
//   a lot of stuff here stolen from dgls.mmt xx: 
//   To not make things too awful, I've now fixed one ⋁ for a vectorspace; just for notational reasons. ❚

//   as "domains" is overloaded between disciplines: in numerical modeling, we are talking about finite, (singly) connected subspaces of ℝ^n as domains ❚

theory Intervals : base:?Logic = 
	include ☞top:/arithmetics?RealArithmetics 
	include ☞top:/algebra?RealField 
	include ?RealMetricSpace 

	theory interval_theory : base:?Logic =
		left : 
		right : 
		leftPred : ℝ ⟶ ℝ ⟶ prop 
		rightPred : ℝ ⟶ ℝ ⟶ prop 
		predicate : ℝ ⟶ prop  = [x] leftPred left x ∧ rightPred x right 
		tp : type  = pred predicate  
	interval : type  = Mod ☞?Intervals/interval_theory 
	closedInterval : ℝ ⟶ ℝ ⟶ interval  = [a,b] ['
		left := a,
		right := b,
		leftPred := ([x,y] x ≤ y),
		rightPred := ([x,y] x ≤ y)
	']  # [ 1 ; 2 ] 

theory OneCuboid : base:?Logic = 
	include ☞top:/arithmetics?RealArithmetics 

	theory oneCuboid_theory : base:?Logic =
		left : 
		right : 
		leftPred : ℝ ⟶ ℝ ⟶ prop 
		rightPred : ℝ ⟶ ℝ ⟶ prop 
		predicate : ℝ ⟶ prop  = [x] leftPred left x ∧ rightPred x right 
		tp : type  = pred predicate  
	interval : type  = Mod ☞?Intervals/interval_theory 
	closed1Cuboid : ℝ ⟶ ℝ ⟶ interval  = [a,b] ['
		left := a,
		right := b,
		leftPred := ([x,y] x ≤ y),
		rightPred := ([x,y] x ≤ y)
	']  # [ 1 ; 2 ] 

theory GeneralDomains : base:?Logic = 
  include ☞top:/arithmetics?NaturalNumbers 
  include ☞top:/algebra?RealField 
  include ?Ball 
  include ☞top:/algebra?Vectorspace 
  theory generalDomain_theory : base:?Logic =
  	 include ☞top:/algebra?Vectorspace/vectorspace_theory (realField) 
  	 include ?MetricSpace/metricSpace_theory 
  	 dimension : 
  	 domainPred : U ⟶ prop 
  	 domain : type  = ⟨ x : U | ⊦ domainPred x ⟩ 
  	 boundaryPred1 : U ⟶ prop  = [b] ∀ [ε : ℝ+] ∃[x : domain] d x b < ε 
  	 boundaryPred2 : U ⟶ prop  = [b] ∀ [ε : ℝ+] ∃[x : U] d x b < ε ∧ ¬ domainPred x 
  	 boundaryPred : U ⟶ prop  = [b] boundaryPred1 b ∧ boundaryPred2 b 
  	 boundary : type   = ⟨ x : U | ⊦ boundaryPred x ⟩ 
  generalDomain = Mod ☞?GeneralDomains/generalDomain_theory 

// view IntervalsAsDomains : ?GeneralDomains/generalDomain_theory ⟶ ?Intervals/interval_theory =
    = ℝ ❙ 
   // Dimension = 1 ❙
   DomainPred = interval_pred ❙
   BoundaryPred = boundary_pred ❙
   // vec_pred_as_sub = pred_as_sub ❙