
import base 

theory ComplexNumbers : base:?Logic = 
	include ?RealArithmetics 
	complexNumbers: type  #  
	/T every real number is also a complex one: ❙
	axiom_realsAreComplex : ℝ <* ℂ 
	axiom_rationalsAreComplex : ℚ <* ℂ 
	axiom_integersAreComplex : ℤ <* ℂ 
	axiom_naturalsAreComplex : ℕ <* ℂ 
	axiom_posAreComplex : ℕ+ <* ℂ 
	// this constructor returns a complex number z with arguments Re(z), Im(z). ❙
	complexNumberConstructor: ℝ ⟶ ℝ ⟶ ℂ  # 1 +i 2 
	imaginaryUnit:  = 0 +i 1  # i 
	/T Re returns real part of complex number. ❙
	realPart: ℂ ⟶ ℝ  # Re 1 
	/T Im returns real part of complex number. ❙
	imaginaryPart: ℂ ⟶ ℝ  # Im 1 
	/T Axioms for basic complex functions: ❙
	axiom_complexNumberConstructor_Re: ⊦ ∀[a] ∀[b] Re (a +i b) ≐ a 
	axiom_complexNumberConstructor_Im: ⊦ ∀[a] ∀[b] Im (a +i b) ≐ b 
	axiom_realPartOfReal : {x : ℝ} ⊦ x +i 0 ≐ x 

theory ComplexArithmetic : base:?Logic =
	include ?ComplexNumbers 
	/T ComplexConjugate maps a + b i -> a - b i ❙
	complexConjugate: ℂ ⟶ ℂ  = [z] (Re z) +i (- Im z)  # cConj 1 
	/T Additive Inverse ❙
	uminus : ℂ ⟶ ℂ  = [x] (- Re x) +i (- Im x)  # - 1 
	/T Addition of two complex numbers ❙
	addition: ℂ ⟶ ℂ ⟶ ℂ  = [z1,z2] (arithmetics?RealArithmetics?addition (Re z1) (Re z2)) +i (arithmetics?RealArithmetics?addition (Im z1) (Im z2))  # 1 + 2 
	/T Difference of two complex numbers using additive inverse and addition ❙ 
	subtraction: ℂ ⟶ ℂ ⟶ ℂ  = [z1,z2] z1 + (- z2)  # 1 - 2 
	/T Multiplication of two complex numbers with each other. ❙
	multiplication: ℂ ⟶ ℂ ⟶ ℂ 
													= [z1,z2] (☞?RealArithmetics?addition ((Re z1) ⋅ (Re z2)) ( ☞?RealArithmetics?uminus (Im z1) ⋅ (Im z2)))
																			 +i (☞?RealArithmetics?addition ((Re z2) ⋅ (Im z1)) ( (Re z1) ⋅ (Im z2))) 
													# 1  2 
	/T Magnitude of  a + b i maps to sqrt(a*a+b*b)... ❙
	complexAbsoluteSquared : ℂ ⟶ ℝ  = [z] Re (z ⋅ cConj z)  # | 1 |^ 
	absolute : ℂ ⟶ ℝ  = [z] sqrt (|z|^)  # |1| 												
	nonzeroComplexNumbers : type  # ℂ*  = ⟨ z : ℂ | ⊦ Re z ≠ 0 ∨ Im z ≠ 0 ⟩
	inverse : ℂ* ⟶ ℂ # inv 1 prec 31 
	division: ℂ ⟶ ℂ* ⟶ ℂ  = [u,z] u ⋅ (inv z)  # 1 / 2