
import base 
import arith 
import sets 

theory Ringoid : base:?Logic = 
	include ?Magma 

  theory ringoid_theory : base:?Logic =
    structure addition : ?Magma/magma_theory =
      	universe @ R 
		op @ plus  # 1 + 2 prec 5
	structure multiplication : ?Magma/magma_theory =
			universe = R 
			op  @ times  # 1  2 prec 6
    axiom_distributive : ⊦ prop_distributive plus times 
  ringoid = Mod ☞?Ringoid/ringoid_theory 

/T MiKo: refactor this with Ringoid ❚
theory Rig : base:?Logic =
	include ?AbelianGroup 
	theory rig_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ☞sets:?SetStructures/setstruct_theory 
		structure addition : ?AbelianGroup/abeliangroup_theory =
			universe = ☞sets:?SetStructures/setstruct_theory?universe  # Uadd 
			op @ rplus  # 1 + 2 prec 5
			unit @ rzero  # O 
			inverse @ rminus  # - 1 
		structure multiplication : ?SemiGroup/semigroup_theory =
			universe = ☞sets:?SetStructures/setstruct_theory?universe  # Umult 
			op  @ rtimes  # 1  2 prec 6
		unitset = ⟨ x: U | ⊦ x ≠ O ⟩ 
		axiom_distributive : ⊦ prop_distributive rplus rtimes 
	rig = Mod ☞?Rig/rig_theory 
	unitsetOf : rig ⟶ type  = [r] r.unitset 
	axiom_rigUnitsetSubtype : {r : rig} r.unitset <* r.universe 
	additiveGroup : rig ⟶ abeliangroup  = [r] [' 
		universe := r.universe,
		op := r.rplus ,
		axiom_associative := r.addition/axiom_associative , 
		unit := r.rzero ,
		axiom_leftUnital := r.addition/axiom_leftUnital ,
		axiom_rightUnital := r.addition/axiom_rightUnital ,
		inverse := r.rminus ,
		axiom_inverse := r.addition/axiom_inverse ,
		axiom_commutative := r.addition/axiom_commutative
	multiplicative_semigroup : rig ⟶ semigroup  = [r] ['
			universe := r.universe,
			op := (r.rtimes) ,
			axiom_associative := r.multiplication/axiom_associative
		']  // needs proof that ret type = unitset ❙

theory Ring : base:?Logic =
	include ?Rig 
		// TODO needs refactoring once structures work ❙
	theory ring_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Rig/rig_theory 
		rone : U  # I 
		axiom_oneNeqZero : ⊦ I ≠ O 
		axiom_leftUnital : ⊦ ∀[x : U] I ⋅ x ≐ x 
		axiom_rightUnital : ⊦ ∀[x : U] x ⋅ I ≐ x 
	ring = Mod ☞?Ring/ring_theory 

	multiplicative_monoid : ring ⟶ monoid  = [r] ['
			universe := r.universe,
			op := r.rtimes,
			axiom_associative := r.multiplication/axiom_associative,
			unit := r.rone,
			axiom_leftUnital := r.axiom_leftUnital,
			axiom_rightUnital := r.axiom_rightUnital

theory Field : base:?Logic =
	include ?Ring 

	theory field_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Ring/ring_theory 
		inverse : unitset ⟶ unitset  # 1 ⁻¹  prec 24 
		axiom_inverse : ⊦ ∀ [x : unitset] x ⋅ (x ⁻¹) ≐ I 
		axiom_commutative : ⊦ ∀[x : U]∀[y] (x ⋅ y) ≐ (y ⋅ x) 
	field : kind  = Mod ☞?Field/field_theory  role abbreviation 

	// multiplicative_group : field ⟶ abeliangroup ❘ = [r] ['
			universe := r.unitset,
			op := r.times,
			isassociative := r.timesisassociative,
			unit := r.timesunit,
			leftunital := r.timesleftunital,
			rightunital := r.timesrightunital,
			inverse := r.timesinverse ,
			inverseproperty := r.timesinverseproperty ,
			abelianax := r.timesabelianax
		'] ❙