import base 
import ts 

theory SemiLattice : base:?Logic = 
	include ☞base:?InformalProofs 
	include ☞ts:?Relations 
	include algebra/bands?Band
  theory semilattice_theory : base:?Logic = 
     include algebra/bands?Band/band_theory 
     axiom_commutative : ⊦ prop_commutative op 
     // order : U ⟶ U ⟶ bool ❘ = [a,b] a ≐ a ∘ b ❘ # 1 < 2 ❙
     // axiom_reflexive : ⊦ reflexive (order) ❘ = sketch "trivial" ❙
     // axiom_transitive : ⊦ transitive (order)❘ = sketch "trivial"  ❙
     // axiom_antisymmetric : ⊦ antisymmetric (order) ❘ = sketch "trivial" ❙
  semilattice = Mod ☞?SemiLattice/semilattice_theory  role abbreviation 

// view POSetIsMeetSemiLattice : ?SemiLattice/semilattice_theory -> ts:?POSetBounds/posetBounds_theory =
  universe = universe ❙
  op = meet ❙                               
  axiom_idempotent = meetIdempotent ❙
  axiom_associative = meetAssociative ❙
  axiom_commutative = meetCommutative ❙

// view POSetIsJoinSemiLattice : ?SemiLattice/semilattice_theory -> ts:?POSetBounds/posetBounds_theory =
  universe = universe ❙
  op = join ❙                               
  axiom_idempotent = joinIdempotent ❙
  axiom_associative = joinAssociative ❙
  axiom_commutative = joinCommutative ❙

/T MiKo: probably need to say that the meet order is the same as the join-order, i.e. 
in theory SemiLattice/semilattice_theory
  biviewMeet : ⊢ SemilatticeIsPOSet (POSetIsMeetSemiLattice op ) ≐ op 
  biviewJoin : ⊢ SemilatticeIsPOSet (POSetIsJoinSemiLattice op ) ≐ op 

  and in 

theory ts:?POSet/poset_theory
  biviewMeet : ⊢ POSetIsMeetSemiLattice (SemilatticeIsPOSet ord ) ≐ ord 
  biviewMeet : ⊢ POSetIsMeetSemiLattice (SemilatticeIsPOSet ord ) ≐ ord 

theory Lattice : base:?Logic = 
   include ?OperationProps 
   include ?SemiLattice 
   include ☞ts:?POSet 
   // implicit view SemilatticeIsPOSet : ts:?POSet/poset_theory -> ?SemiLattice/semilattice_theory =
    include ☞ts:?SetStructures ❙
   // ord = [a,b] a ≐ a ∘ b ❙
   // axiom_reflexive = sketch "trivial" ❙
   // axiom_transitive = sketch "trivial" ❙
   // axiom_antisymmetric = sketch "trivial" ❙

   include ☞ts:?SetStructures 
   theory lattice_theory : base:?Logic = 
   	include ☞ts:?SetStructures/setstruct_theory 
    implicit structure meetstruct : ?SemiLattice/semilattice_theory =
        universe = ☞ts:?SetStructures/setstruct_theory?universe 
        op @ meet  # 1  2 
    structure joinstruct : ?SemiLattice/semilattice_theory =
        universe = ☞ts:?SetStructures/setstruct_theory?universe 
        op @ join  # 1  2 
        // order = ☞ ❙
    prop_absorption1 : bool  = prop_absorption meet join 
    prop_absorption2 : bool  = prop_absorption join meet 
    axiom_absorption : ⊦ prop_absorption1 ∧ prop_absorption2 
   lattice = Mod ☞?Lattice/lattice_theory 

theory DistributiveLattice : base:?Logic =
	include ?Lattice 
	include ?Ringoid 
  theory distributiveLattice_theory : base:?Logic = 
     include ?Lattice/lattice_theory 
     structure ringoid : ?Ringoid/ringoid_theory =
     	R = ☞ts:?SetStructures/setstruct_theory?universe 
        // plus = join ❙
        // times = meet ❙
  distributiveLattice = Mod ☞?DistributiveLattice/distributiveLattice_theory 

theory BoundedLattice : base:?Logic = 
   include ?Lattice
   theory boundedLattice_theory : base:?Logic = 
      include ?Lattice/lattice_theory 
      top : U  #  
      bot : U #  
      // axiom_top : ⊦ ∀[a] a ≼ ⊤ ❙ // imported implicitly via SemilatticeIsPOSet ❙
      // axiom_bot : ⊦ ∀[a] ⊥ ≼ a ❙
   boundedLattice = Mod ☞?BoundedLattice/boundedLattice_theory 

theory ComplementedLattice : base:?Logic = 
   include ?BoundedLattice
   theory complementedLattice_theory : base:?Logic =
     include ?BoundedLattice/boundedLattice_theory 
     complement : U ⟶ U ⟶ bool  = [a,c] a ⊔ c ≐ ⊤ ∧ a ⊓ c ≐ ⊥  # comp 1 2
     prop_complemented : bool  = ∀[a] ∃[c] comp a c 
     axiom_complemented : ⊦ prop_complemented 
  complementedLattice = Mod ☞?ComplementedLattice/complementedLattice_theory 

theory BooleanAlgebra : base:?Logic =
  include ?ComplementedLattice
  include ?DistributiveLattice 
  theory booleanAlgebra_theory : base:?Logic = 
     include ?ComplementedLattice/complementedLattice_theory 
     include ?DistributiveLattice/distributiveLattice_theory 
  booleanalgebra = Mod ☞?BooleanAlgebra/booleanAlgebra_theory