
import fnd 

theory SylowSubgroup : fnd:?Logic =
  // theory SylowSubgroupTheory : 

theory right_coset : fnd:?Logic = 
  include ?subgroup 
  theory right_coset_theory : fnd:?Logic > g:G =
    element : G  # g 
    type_of_coset : type 
  FromTheory right_coset : right_coset_theory 
  is_right_coset : ⊦ ∀ [el:right_coset.type_of_coset] ∃[h:H] el ≐ h ∘ g 

theory left_coset : fnd:?Logic = 
  include ?subgroup 
  theory left_coset_theory : fnd:?Logic > g:G =
    element : G  # g 
    left_coset : type 
  FromTheory left_coset : left_coset_theory 
  is_left_coset : ⊦ ∀ [el:left_coset.type_of_coset] ∃[h:H] el ≐ g ∘ h 

theory normal_subgroup : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?subgroup 
  include ?left_coset 
  include ?right_coset 
  include ?set_equality 
  is_normal_subgroup : ⊦ ∀[g:G] left_coset g = right_coset g 

	//T how to handle properties of groups? Being abelian is a property

theory abeliangroup : fnd:?Logic =
	abelian_property : {U : type}{op : U → U → U}prop  = [U][op]∀[x]∀[y] op x y ≐ op y x 
	theory abeliangroup_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?group/group_theory 
		abelianax : ⊦ abelian_property U op 
	FromTheory abeliangroup : abeliangroup_theory 
	include ?group 
	is_abelian : {G : abeliangroup} ⊦ commutative G  = [G] (G.abelianax) 

theory group_homomorphism : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?group
  theory group_homomorphism_theory : fnd:?Logic = 
    from: group # A
    to: group # B
    map: dom A → dom B
    morphism_property : ⊦ ∀[x: dom A] ∀[y: dom A] (map x) ∘ (map y) ≐ map (x ∘ y)
  FromTheory grouphomomorphism : group_homomorphism_theory

theory group_action : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?group 
  theory right_group_action_theory : fnd:?Logic > G : group , Ω : type =
    acting: group  = G  # G 
    actee: type  = Ω  # Ω 
    map: actee → dom acting → actee  # 1 ^ 2 prec 15 
    right_group_action_property_id : ⊦ ∀[ω : actee] (ω ^ (unit acting) ≐ ω ) 
    right_group_action_property_prod : ⊦ ∀[ω : actee] ∀[g : dom acting] ∀[h : dom acting] (ω^g)^h ≐ ω^(g∘h)       
  FromTheory rightgroupaction : right_group_action_theory 
  theory left_group_action_theory : fnd:?Logic > G : group, Ω : type =
    acting : group  = G  # G 
    actee : type  = Ω  # Ω 
    map : dom acting → actee → actee 
    left_group_action_property_id : ⊦ ∀[ω : actee] map (unit acting) ω ≐ ω 
  FromTheory leftgroupaction :  left_group_action_theory 
  include ?permutation_representation 
  action_from_representation : permutation_representation → rightgroupaction 
    = [pa] 

theory permutation_representation : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?group 
  include ?group_homomorphism 
  include ?SymmetricGroup 
  theory permutation_representation_theory : fnd:?Logic > G : group, Ω : type =
    acting_group : group  = G 
    actee_set : type  = Ω 
    hom : acting_group → SymmetricGroup actee_set 
  FromTheory permutation_representation : permutation_representation_theory 

/T   all other fields of both action and representation are deduced from the group and the set, so i guess this is enough? ❚
view group_action_is_permutation_representation : ?group_action/rightgroupaction  ?permutation_representation/permutation_representation =
  acting_group = acting 
  actee_set = actee 

view permutation_representation_is_group_action : ?permutation_representation/permutation_representation  ?group_action/rightgroupaction =
  acting = acting_group 
  actee = actee_set 

theory group_action_orbit : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?group_action 
  theory orbit_theory : fnd:?Logic > action : rightgroupaction, α : action.actee =
    ga : rightgroupaction  = action 
    element : ga.actee  = α 
    set : {type : ga.actee} 
    orbit_set_binding : {orb : orbit} ⊦ ∀[x:orb] ∃[g:ga.acting] α g ≐ x   
    order : 
  FromTheory orbit : orbit_theory 

theory group_action_stabilizer : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?group_action 
  theory stabilizer_theory : fnd:?Logic > action : rightgroupaction, α : action.actee =
    ga : rightgroupaction  = action 
    element : ga.actee  = α 
    stabilizer : {type : ga.acting} 
    stabilizer_set_binding : ⊦ ∀[g:stabilizer] α g ≐ α 
    order : 

theory orbit_stabilizer_theorem : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?group_action 
  include ?group_action_orbit 
  include ?group_action_stabilizer 
  Omega : type 
  G : group 
  action : rightgroupaction G Omega 
  theorem : ⊦ ∀[α:Omega] ((orbit action α).order) × ((stabilizer action α).order) ≐ (G.order) 

theory conjugation : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?group 
  include ?group_action 
  G : group 
  Ω : G.dom 
  la : leftgroupaction G Ω 
  ra : rightgroupaction G Ω 
  conjugation : Ω → G.dom → Ω  = [α, g] ra (la (inverseOf g) α) g  

// view conjugation : rightgroupaction =
  acting = G ❙
  actee = Ω 

theory conjugation_centralizer : fnd:?Logic =
  include ?conjugation 
  include ?group_action_stabilizer 
  centralizer : {G : group, α : G.dom} type  = stabilizer (conjugation G) α