
import fnd 
import core 
import sets h 

theory Subgroups : fnd:?Logic =
  include ../algebra?Group 
  theory subgroups_theory : fnd:?Logic? > G : group ❘ =
  	 universe : subtypeOf (G.universe)  # U 
  	 op : U ⟶ U ⟶ U  # 1  2 
  	 op_closure : ⊦ ∀ [x : U] ∀ [y : U] (G.op) x y ≐ op x y 
	 unit : U  # e prec -1 
	 unit_closure : ⊦ (G.unit) ≐ e 
	 inverse : U ⟶ U  # 1 ⁻¹  prec 24 
	 inverse_property : ⊦ ∀ [x] x ∘ x ⁻¹ ≐ e 
	 inverse_closure : ⊦ ∀ [x : U] (G.inverse) x ≐ x ⁻¹ 
	 associative : ⊦ ∀[x : U]∀[y : U]∀[z : U] (x ∘ (y ∘ z)) ≐ ((x ∘ y) ∘ z) 
	 leftunital : ⊦ ∀[x : U] e ∘ x ≐ x 
	 rightunital : ⊦ ∀[x : U] x ∘ e ≐ x 

  elementsOf : group ⟶ type  = [G] G.universe 
  subsetsOf : group ⟶ type  = [G] subtypeOf (elementsOf G) 
  subgroupOf : group ⟶ type  // = [G:group] Mod `?Subgroups?subgroups_theory , G 
  index : {G : group} subgroupOf G ⟶ ℕ+ 

// theory ActionsOnSubgroups : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Group ❙
	include ?Subgroups ❙
	include ?GroupActions ❙
	subgroupConjugation : {G : group} rightGroupActions G (subgroupOf G) ❙
	elementConjugation : {G : group} rightGroupActions G (elementsOf G) ❙
	normaliser : {G : group} (subgroupOf G) → (subgroupOf G) ❘ 
						 = [G] [U : subgroupOf G] rstab (subgroupConjugation G) U ❙   
	conjugacyClass : {G : group} (subgroupOf G) → subtypeOf (subgroupOf G) ❘
	           = [G] [U : subgroupOf G] rorbit (subgroupConjugation G) U ❙
  centraliser : {G : group} G.domain → (subgroupOf G) ❘
	           = [G] [x : G.domain] rstab (elementConjugation G) x ❙

// theory NormalSubgroups : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Subgroups ❙
	theory NormalSubgroupsTheory : fnd:?Logic > G : group ❘=
		include ?Subgroups/SubgroupsTheory ❙
		normal_prop : ⊦ ∀[g : G.domain] ∀[n : domain] ∃[n2 : domain] ((G.op) ((G.op) ((G.inverse) g) n) g) ≐ n2 ❙ 

	// This is a HACK ❙
	normalSubgroupOf : group → type ❘ = [g] (ModelsOf `?NormalSubgroups/NormalSubgroupsTheory ) g g ❙

// theory SylowSubgroups : fnd:?Logic = 
	include ?Subgroups ❙
	include core:/arithmetics?intarith ❙
	SylowSubgroups : {G : group} {p : Primes} subtypeOf (subgroupOf G) ❙ 

// theory GroupHomomorphisms : fnd:?Logic = 
	include ?Group ❙
	include ?Subgroups ❙
	include ?NormalSubgroups ❙

	theory GroupHomomorphismsTheory : fnd:?Logic > G : group, H : group ❘ = 
		map : G.domain → H.domain ❙
    morphism_property : ⊦ ∀[x : G.domain] ∀[y : G.domain] (H.op) (map x) (map y) ≐ map ((G.op) x y)❙
  hom : group → group → type ❘ = ModelsOf `?GroupHomomorphisms/GroupHomomorphismsTheory ❘ # 1 --> 2 ❙

  // Of course the type of kernel should be more precise! ❙
  // kernel : {G : group} {H : group} hom G H → (subgroupOf G) ❙
	kernel : {G : group} {H : group} (hom G H) → (normalSubgroupOf G) ❙
  image : {G : group} {H : group} (hom G H) → (subgroupOf H) ❙