import top
import base 
import num 
import sets 

theory OperationProps : base:?Logic = 
  prop_idempotent : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ prop  = [U,op] ∀[a] op a a ≐ a  # prop_idempotent 2
  prop_associative : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ prop  = [U,op] ∀[x : U]∀[y : U]∀[z : U] op x (op y z) ≐ op (op x y) z  # prop_associative 2
  prop_commutative : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ prop  = [U,op] ∀[x : U]∀[y] op x y ≐ op y x  # prop_commutative 2
  prop_leftUnital : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ U ⟶ prop  = [U,op,e] ∀[x] op e x ≐ x  # prop_leftUnital 2 3 
  prop_rightUnital : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ U ⟶ prop  = [U,op,e] ∀[x] op x e ≐ x  # prop_rightUnital 2 3 
  prop_leftCancellative : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ prop  = [U,op] ∀[a] ∀[b] ∀[c] op a c ≐ op b c ⇒ a ≐ b  # prop_leftCancellative 2
  prop_rightCancellative : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ prop  = [U,op] ∀[a] ∀[b] ∀[c] op c a ≐ op c b ⇒ a ≐ b  # prop_rightCancellative 2
  prop_inverse : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ (U ⟶ U) ⟶ U ⟶ bool  = [U,op,inv,e] ∀[x] op x (inv x) ≐ e  # prop_inverse 2 3 4 
  prop_absorption : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ bool  = [U][m,j] ∀[a] ∀[b] m a (j a b) ≐ a  # prop_absorption 2 3 
  prop_distributive : {U : type} (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ (U ⟶ U ⟶ U) ⟶ bool 
		= [U][plus,times] ∀ [x] ∀ [y] ∀ [z] (times x (plus y z)) ≐ (plus (times x y) (times x z))  # prop_distributive 2 3 

theory Magma : base:?Logic =
	include ?OperationProps 
	include ☞sets:?SetStructures 
	theory magma_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ☞sets:?SetStructures/setstruct_theory 
		op : U ⟶ U ⟶ U  # 1  2 prec 19 
	magma = Mod ☞?Magma/magma_theory  role abbreviation 
	baseset 	: magma ⟶ type  = [m] (m.universe)  # dom 1 
	operation : {G: magma} (G.universe ⟶ G.universe ⟶ G.universe)  # 2  3 prec 20  = [G] [a,b] (G.op) a b 
	finite: magma ⟶ prop 

theory SemiGroup : base:?Logic =
	include ?Magma 

	theory semigroup_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Magma/magma_theory 
		axiom_associative : ⊦ prop_associative op 
	semigroup = Mod ☞?SemiGroup/semigroup_theory 

theory Unital : base:?Logic =
	include ?Magma 

	theory unital_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Magma/magma_theory 
		unit : U  # e prec -1 	
		axiom_leftUnital : ⊦ prop_leftUnital op e 
		axiom_rightUnital : ⊦ prop_rightUnital op e 
	unital = Mod ☞?Unital/unital_theory  
	unitOf 	: {G: unital} dom G  # %I1 e prec 5  = [G] (G.unit) 

theory QuasiGroup : base:?Logic =
	include ☞base:?DescriptionOperator 
	include ☞base:?NaturalDeduction 
	include ?Magma 
	theory quasigroup_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Magma/magma_theory 
		qg1 : ⊦ ∀[a]∀[b]∃![x] a ∘ x ≐ b 
		qg2 : ⊦ ∀[a]∀[b]∃![y] y ∘ a ≐ b 
	  leftDivision : U ⟶ U ⟶ U  = [a,b] that U ([x] a ∘ x ≐ b) (forallE (forallE qg1 a) b) 
	  rightDivision : U ⟶ U ⟶ U  = [a,b] that U ([x] x ∘ a ≐ b) (forallE (forallE qg2 a) b) 

	quasigroup = Mod ☞?QuasiGroup/quasigroup_theory 

theory CancellativeMagma : base:?Logic = 
	include ?Magma 
/T MiKo: use this to make a view into quasisgroup Theory: they are cancellative ❙
  theory cancellativemagma_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Magma/magma_theory 
		axiom_leftCancellative : ⊦ prop_leftCancellative op  
		axiom_rightCancellative : ⊦ prop_rightCancellative op 

  cancellativemagma = Mod ☞?CancellativeMagma/cancellativemagma_theory 
  /T MiKo: how to express the definitions? ❙
  leftCancellative : magma ⟶ bool 
  rightCancellative : magma ⟶ bool 

/T Refactor: a Loop is just a unital Quasigroup ❚
theory Loop : base:?Logic =
	include ?Unital 
	include ☞base:?DescriptionOperator 
	include ☞base:?NaturalDeduction 

	theory loop_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Unital/unital_theory 
		inverse : U ⟶ U  # 1 ⁻¹  prec 24 
		axiom_inverse : ⊦ prop_inverse op (inverse) e 
	loop = Mod ☞?Loop/loop_theory 

	inverseElement : {U : unital} dom U ⟶ dom U ⟶ prop  = [U][n,m] n ∘ m ≐ unitOf U  
	inverseExists : loop ⟶ prop  = [G] ∀ [x : dom G] ∃ [y : dom G] inverseElement G x y 
	inverseOf	: {G: loop} dom G ⟶ dom G  # 2 ⁻¹  prec 25  = [G] [a] (G.inverse) a 

theory Monoid : base:?Logic =
	include ?SemiGroup 
	include ?Unital 
	theory monoid_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?SemiGroup/semigroup_theory 
		include ?Unital/unital_theory 
	monoid = Mod ☞?Monoid/monoid_theory 

theory Group : base:?Logic = 
	include ?Monoid 
	include ?Loop 
	theory group_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Monoid/monoid_theory  
		include ?Loop/loop_theory 
	group = Mod ☞?Group/group_theory 
	inverseOf	: {G: group} dom G ⟶ dom G  # 2 ⁻¹  prec 25  = [G] [a] (G.inverse) a 
	include ☞base:?NatLiterals 
	include ☞base:?IntLiterals 
	include ☞base:?InformalProofs 
	include ☞sets:?FiniteCardinality 
	automorphisms : group ⟶ ℕ 
	cyclic : group ⟶ prop 
	order : group ⟶ ℕ  = [g] | fullset (baseset g) |
	parity : group ⟶ ℤ 
	solvable : group ⟶ prop 
	degree : group ⟶ ℤ 
	psolvable : group ⟶ ℕ+ ⟶ prop 
	sylow : group ⟶ ℕ+ ⟶ group 

theory AbelianGroup : base:?Logic =
	include ?Group 

	theory abeliangroup_theory : base:?Logic =
		include ?Group/group_theory 		
		axiom_commutative : ⊦ prop_commutative op 
	abeliangroup = Mod ☞?AbelianGroup/abeliangroup_theory  role abbreviation 

theory GroupHomomorphism : base:?Logic =
  include ?Group
  theory groupHomomorphism_theory : base:?Logic =
    from : group # A
    to : group # B
    morph : dom A ⟶ dom B
    axiom_morphism : ⊦ ∀[x: dom A] ∀[y: dom A] (B.op) (morph x) (morph y) ≐ morph (x ∘ y)
  groupHomomorphism = Mod ☞?GroupHomomorphism/groupHomomorphism_theory