
import fnd 

theory Sets : fnd:?Logic =
	set : type 
	element : set ⟶ set ⟶ prop  # 1  2 
	emptyset : set  #  

	axiom_emptySetIsEmpty : {s} ⊦ ¬ s ∈ ∅ 

	subset : set ⟶ set ⟶ prop  = [s,t] ∀ [z] z ∈ s ⇒ z ∈ t  # 1  2 
	disjoint : set ⟶ set ⟶ prop  = [s,t] ¬∃[e] e ∈ s ∧ e ∈ t 
	prop_extensionality = [s,t](∀[e] e ∈ s ⇔ e ∈ t) ⇒ s ≐ t 
	prop_separation : (set ⟶ prop) ⟶ set ⟶ prop  = [P][s]∃![t]∀[e]e ∈ t ⇔ (e ∈ s ∧ P e) 
	prop_regularity = [s]s ≠ ∅ ⇒ ∃ [e] e ∈ s ∧ (disjoint s e) 
	prop_pairing = [x,y] ∃[z] x ∈ z ∧ y ∈ z 
	prop_pairing_unique = [x,y] ∃![z] x ∈ z ∧ y ∈ z ∧ ∀[w] w ∈ z ⇒ (w ≐ x ∨ w ≐ y) 
	prop_union = [x] ∃![y]∀[z] z ∈ y ⇔ ∃[w] z ∈w ∧ w ∈ x 
	prop_powerset = [x]∃![y] ∀[z] z ∈ y ⇔ z ⊑ x 
	prop_replacement = [A][f : set ⟶ set] ∃![B]∀[z] (z ∈ B ⇔ ∃[a] a ∈ A ∧ z ≐ f a) 

theory Extensionality : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Sets 
	axiom_extensionality : {s,t} ⊦ prop_extensionality s t 

theory Separation : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Sets 
	include ☞fnd:?DescriptionOperator 
	axiom_separation : {P,s} ⊦ prop_separation P s  # axiom_separation 1 2
	sep_constructor : {s : set,P : set ⟶ prop}set  = [s,P] that set ([x] ∀[e]e ∈ x ⇔ (e ∈ s ∧ P e)) (axiom_separation P s) #  1 | 2  prec -1 

theory Intersection : fnd:?Logic =
    include ?Separation 

    intersect : set ⟶ set ⟶ set  = [s,t] ⟪ s | ([x] x ∈ t) ⟫  # 1  2 

theory Regularity : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Sets 
	axiom_regularity : {s} ⊦ prop_regularity s 

theory Pairing : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Sets 
	include ☞fnd:?InformalProofs 
	include ☞fnd:?DescriptionOperator 

	axiom_pairing : {x,y} ⊦ prop_pairing x y 
	lemma_pairing_unique : {x,y : set} ⊦ prop_pairing_unique x y  # axiom_pairing_unique 1 2  = [x,y] sketch "provable" 
	uopair : set ⟶ set ⟶ set  = [x,y] that set ([z] x ∈ z ∧ y ∈ z ∧ ∀[w] w ∈ z ⇒ (w ≐ x ∨ w ≐ y)) (lemma_pairing_unique x y) 
	singleton : set ⟶ set  = [s] uopair s s 

theory KuratowskiPairs : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Pairing 

	pair : set ⟶ set ⟶ set  = [x,y] uopair (uopair x y) x 

theory Union : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Sets 
	include ☞fnd:?DescriptionOperator 
	axiom_union : {x} ⊦ prop_union x  # axiom_union 1
	union : set ⟶ set  = [s] that set ([x] ∀[z] z ∈ x ⇔ ∃[w] z ∈w ∧ w ∈ s) (axiom_union s)  #  1 

theory BinaryUnion : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?KuratowskiPairs 
	include ?Union 
	binaryunion : set ⟶ set ⟶ set  = [a,b] ⋃ (uopair a b)  # 1  2

theory Powerset : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Sets 
	include ☞fnd:?DescriptionOperator 
	axiom_powerset : {x} ⊦ prop_powerset x  # axiom_powerset 1
	powerset : set ⟶ set  = [x] that set ([y] ∀[z] z ∈ y ⇔ z ⊑ x) (axiom_powerset x)  #  1 

theory CartesianProduct : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Powerset 
	include ?Separation 
	include ?BinaryUnion 
	product : set ⟶ set ⟶ set  = [A,B] sep_constructor (℘ (℘ (A ∪ B))) ([p] ∃[a]∃[b] a ∈ A ∧ b ∈ B ∧ p ≐ pair a b) 

theory Relations : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?CartesianProduct 
	include ☞fnd:?Subtyping 
	prop_relation = [s,A,B : set] s ⊑ (product A B)  # prop_relation 1 2 3
	relation : set ⟶ set ⟶ type = [A,B] ⟨ s : set | ⊦ prop_relation s A B ⟩ 

theory Functions : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Relations 
	include ☞fnd:?InformalProofs 
	prop_function = [f,A,B] prop_relation f A B ∧ ∀[x] x ∈ A ⇒ ∃[y] y ∈ B ∧ (pair x y) ∈ f  
	// TODO ❙
	function : set ⟶ set ⟶ type = [A,B] ⟨ s:set | ⊦ prop_function s A B ⟩ 
	setfunapply : {A,B} function A B ⟶ {a : set}⊦ a ∈ A ⟶ set  = [A,B,f,a,p] ι ([x] (pair a x) ∈ f)  # 3 @ 4 %I5 
	theorem_setfun : {A,B,f : function A B, a} ⊦ (f @ a) ∈ B  = [A,B,f,a] sketch "by definition" 

theory Replacement : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Sets 
	include ☞fnd:?DescriptionOperator 
	axiom_replacement : {a,f} ⊦ prop_replacement a f  # axiom_replacement 1 2
	replacement : set ⟶ (set ⟶ set) ⟶ set  = [A,f] that set ([B] ∀[z] (z ∈ B ⇔ ∃[a] a ∈ A ∧ z ≐ f a)) (axiom_replacement A f)  # Img 2 of 1 

theory Infinity : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?BinaryUnion 

	set_succ = [n] n ∪ (singleton n) 
	prop_infinity = [N] ∅ ∈ N ∧ ∀[n] n ∈ N ⇒ (set_succ n) ∈ N 
	omega : set  # ω  = ι [x] prop_infinity x ∧ ∀[z] prop_infinity z ⇒ x ⊑ z

theory ZFBase : fnd:?Logic =
    include ?Extensionality 
	include ?Separation 
	include ?Regularity 
	include ?Pairing 
	include ?Union 
	include ?Powerset 
	include ?Replacement 
	include ?Infinity 

theory FunctionsExtended : fnd:?Logic =
    include ?Functions 

    prop_injective : {A,B} function A B ⟶ prop  = [A,B,f] ∀[x] ∀[y] x ∈ A ∧ y ∈ A ⇒ (f@x ≐ f@y ⇒ x ≐ y)  # prop_injective 3 
    prop_surjective : {A,B} function A B ⟶ prop  = [A,B,f] ∀[y] y ∈ B ⇒ ∃[x] x ∈ A ∧ f@x ≐ y  # prop_surjective 3 
    prop_bijective : {A,B} function A B ⟶ prop  = [A,B,f] prop_injective f ∧ prop_surjective f  # prop_bijective 3 

theory Finite : fnd:?Logic =
    include ?FunctionsExtended 
    include ?Infinity 

    prop_finite : set ⟶ prop  = [s] ∃[n] n ∈ ω ∧ ∃[f : function s n] prop_injective f 
    prop_infinite : set ⟶ prop  = [s] ¬ prop_finite s 

theory ZF : fnd:?Logic =
    include ?ZFBase 
    include ?Finite 
    include ?Intersection 

	setdiff : set ⟶ set ⟶ set = [A,B] ⟪ A | ([x] ¬ x ∈ B) ⟫  # 1 \ 2 
	subtract : set ⟶ set ⟶ set = [A,a] A \ (singleton a)  # 2 - 3 
	symdiff : set ⟶ set ⟶ set = [A,B] (A \ B) ∪ (B \ A)  # 2 Δ 3 

theory Choice : fnd:?Logic =
	include ?Functions 
	prop_choiceFunction = [A,f : function A (⋃ A)] ∀[a] a ∈ A ⇒ (f @ a) ∈ a 
	choice : {A} ⟨ f : function A (⋃A) | ⊦ prop_choiceFunction A f ⟩ 

theory ZFCBase : fnd:?Logic =
    include ?ZFBase 
    include ?Choice 

theory ZFC : fnd:?Logic =
    include ?ZFCBase 
    include ?ZF