
import rules scala:// 
import lf scala:// 
import lfx scala:// 


theory Metadata =

/T We define a formal language for basic mathematical objects in LF. ❚

theory Subtyping =
	 include ☞ 

/T First, some logic. ❚

theory Logic : =
	 include ☞ 
	 include ☞ 
	 include ☞ 
	 // rule rules?ApplyRule ❙
	 /T the type of booleans, i.e., all formulas are represented as terms of LF-type $prop$ ❙
	 // bool : type ❘ // = BOOL ❙
	 prop : type  @ bool  = BOOL 
	 /T one LF-type for each formula holding its proofs                 
	 For example, the LF type ⊦ 0 ≐ 1 is empty because that formula has no proofs.
	 Axioms are declared as constants of the corresponding type, e.g., a constant of type $⊦ true$ for the axiom of truth.❙
	 ded : prop ⟶ type  #  1 prec -500  role Judgment  = DED 
	 ImplicitProof : {A} ⊦ A  # ImplicitProof 1 
	 rule lf?TermIrrelevanceRule (ded) ([A : prop] ImplicitProof A) 
	 /T Equality on terms. The type A is left implicit and can be inferred by MMT ❙
	 eq : {A:𝒰 100} A ⟶ A ⟶ bool  # 2  3 prec -5  role Eq  // = EQUAL 
	 // coercion : {A : type, P : A ⟶ prop,a} ⊦ P a ⟶ ⟨ A | ([x] ⊦ P x) ⟩ ❘ # coerce 3 %I4❙
	 // coercion_theorem : {A : type,P : A ⟶ prop,a,p : ⊦ P a} ⊦ eq ⟨ A | ([x] ⊦ P x) ⟩ (coercion A P a p) a ❙
	 rule rules?BooleanLiterals 
	 // false_is_FALSE : ded (FALSE ≐ false) ❙
	 // true_is_TRUE : ded (TRUE ≐ true) ❙
	 not  : bool ⟶ bool  # ¬ 1 prec -100 
	 neq : {A: 𝒰 100} A ⟶ A ⟶ prop  # 2  3 prec -5  = [A,a,b] ¬ (a ≐ b) 

	 and  : bool ⟶ bool ⟶ bool# 1  2 prec -110 
	 or : bool ⟶ bool ⟶ bool # 1  2 prec -120  // = [A,B] ¬ (¬A ∧ ¬ B) 
	 implies : bool ⟶ bool ⟶ bool # 1  2 prec -130  // = [A,B] B ∨ ¬A 
	 iff : bool ⟶ bool ⟶ bool  # 1  2 prec -140 // = [A,B] (A ⇒ B) ∧ (B ⇒ A) 
	 forall : {A : 𝒰 100} (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ bool  #  2 prec -100
	 exists : {A : 𝒰 100} (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ bool  #  2 prec -100 // = [A,f] ¬ ∀ [x:A] ¬ f x 
	 unique : {A : 𝒰 100} (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ A ⟶ bool  = [A,P,x] ∀ [y:A] P y ⇒ y ≐ x  # unique 2 3 
	 exists_unique : {A : 𝒰 100} (A ⟶ bool) ⟶ bool  # ∃! 2 prec -101  = [A,P] ∃ [x] (P x ∧ unique P x) 
	 /T Equality on types (semantics missing) ❙
	 tpeq : type ⟶ type ⟶ bool  # 1 ≐≐ 2 prec -6  role Eq 	 		

theory NaturalDeduction : ur:?LF =
	 include ?Logic 
	 tru_introduction : ⊦ true 
	 fals_elimination : {A} ⊦ false ⟶ ⊦ A 
	 fals_introduction : {A} ⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ ¬ A ⟶ ⊦ false 
	 forall_elim : {A : 𝒰 100, P : A ⟶ bool}⊦ ∀ P ⟶ {x : A}⊦ P x  # forallE 3 4
	 forall_introduction : {A : 𝒰 100, P : A ⟶ bool, p : {x : A}⊦P x}⊦ ∀[x] P x  # forallI 3 

	 and_introduction : {A,B} ⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ B ⟶ ⊦ (A ∧ B) 
	 and_elim_left : {A,B} ⊦ (A ∧ B) ⟶ ⊦ A 
	 and_elim_right : {A,B} ⊦ (A ∧ B) ⟶ ⊦ B 
	 not_introduction : {A} (⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ false) ⟶ ⊦ ¬ A 
	 not_elim : {A} ⊦ ¬ ¬ A ⟶ ⊦ A 

	 tnd : {A} ⊦ A ∨ ¬A  // = [A: bool] not_introduction ([p : ⊦ (¬A ∧ ¬¬A)] fals_introduction (not_elim (and_elim_right p)) (and_elim_left p)) 

	/T Some more rules for convenience. ❙

        or_introduction_right :  {A,B} ⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ (A ∨ B)  # orinr 3
        or_introduction_left :  {A,B} ⊦ B ⟶ ⊦ (A ∨ B)  # orinl 3
        implication_introduction : {A,B} (⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ B) ⟶ ⊦ A ⇒ B  # impli 3
        equiv_introduction : {A,B} ⊦ (A ⇒ B) ⟶ ⊦ (B ⇒ A) ⟶ ⊦ (A ⇔ B)  # equivi 3 4
        or_elimination : {A,B} ⊦ (A ∨ B) ⟶ (⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ C) ⟶ (⊦ B ⟶ ⊦ C) ⟶ ⊦ C  # orelim 3 4 5
        modus_ponens : {A,B} (⊦ A ⇒ B) ⟶ ⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ B  # MP 3 4 
	 /T basic axioms governing Equality. Again, all the type parameters can be left implicit ❙
	 eq_refl : {t:𝒰 100,A: t} ⊦ A ≐ A  # eq_refl 2
	 eq_cong : {t : 𝒰 100, s : 𝒰 100, f : t ⟶ s, A : t, B: t}
	 		⊦ A ≐ B ⟶ ⊦ (f A) ≐ (f B)  # eq_cong 3 6


/T Now some theories that introduce primitive types and literals for them.
     Because literals must modify the parser, they are supplied as rules that are implemented in a plugin.❚   
theory NatLiterals : ur:?LF =
	include ?Logic 
	include ?Subtyping 
	include ☞ 
	include ☞ 
	nat_lit : type  #   = NAT 
	// rule rules?NatLiterals ❙
	pos_lit : type  = ⟨ n : nat_lit | ⊦ n ≠ 0 ⟩  # ℕ+ 
	rule rules?PosLiterals 
	pos_are_nat : pos_lit <* nat_lit 
	succ_nat_lit : nat_lit ⟶ pos_lit 
	rule rules?NatSucc 
	// not needed anymore: rule rules?NatSuccInverse ❙
	plus_pos_lit : pos_lit ⟶ pos_lit ⟶ pos_lit 
	rule rules?PosPlus 
	plus_nat_lit : nat_lit ⟶ nat_lit ⟶ nat_lit  = plus 
	// rule rules?NatPlus ❙
   	times_pos_lit : pos_lit ⟶ pos_lit ⟶ pos_lit 
	rule rules?PosTimes 
	times_nat_lit : nat_lit ⟶ nat_lit ⟶ nat_lit = times 
	// rule rules?NatTimes ❙
    leq_nat_lit : nat_lit ⟶ nat_lit ⟶ bool  = LEQ 
	// rule rules?NatLeq ❙

theory IntLiterals : ur:?PLF =
	include ?Logic 
	int_lit: type  #  
	rule rules?IntegerLiterals 
	minus_int_lit : int_lit ⟶ int_lit 
	rule rules?IntMinus 
	plus_int_lit : int_lit ⟶ int_lit ⟶ int_lit 
	rule rules?IntPlus 
  times_int_lit : int_lit ⟶ int_lit ⟶ int_lit 
	rule rules?IntTimes 
  leq_int_lit : int_lit ⟶ int_lit ⟶ bool 
	rule rules?IntLeq 

theory RealLiterals : ur:?LF =
	include ?Logic 
	real_lit: type  #  
	rule rules?RealLiterals 
	leq_real_lit : real_lit ⟶ real_lit ⟶ bool 
   	rule rules?RealLeq 
   	minus_real_lit : real_lit ⟶ real_lit   # - 1 prec 25 
   	rule rules?RealMinus    
   	plus_real_lit : real_lit ⟶ real_lit ⟶ real_lit  # 1 + 2 prec 25 
	rule rules?RealPlus 
   	times_real_lit : real_lit ⟶ real_lit ⟶ real_lit  # 1 × 2 prec 20 
	rule rules?RealTimes 
	// square_is_pos : {r : ℝ} ⊦ leq_real_lit 0 (times_real_lit r r) ❙
	sqrt  : ℝ ⟶ ℝ 
	rule rules?RealSqrt 

theory Literals : ur:?LF =
   include ?RealLiterals 
   include ?NatLiterals 
   include ?IntLiterals 
   include ?Subtyping 

   ints_are_real : int_lit <* real_lit 
   nats_are_int : nat_lit <* int_lit 
   nats_are_real : nat_lit <* real_lit 
   pos_are_int : pos_lit <* int_lit 
   pos_are_real : pos_lit <* real_lit 
   // rule rules?NumberLiterals ❙

   // test : ⊦ leq_lit 0 1 ❘ = tru_introduction ❙
   // test2 : ⊦ nat_lit_succ 1 ≐ 2 ❘ = eq_refl 2 ❙

theory Trigonometry : ur:?LF =
	include ?RealLiterals 
	tan   : real_lit ⟶ real_lit    
	sin   : real_lit ⟶ real_lit    
	cos   : real_lit ⟶ real_lit    
	atan   : real_lit ⟶ real_lit    
	asin   : real_lit ⟶ real_lit    
	acos   : real_lit ⟶ real_lit    
	rule rules?Tan 
	rule rules?Sin 
	rule rules?Cos 
	rule rules?Atan 
	rule rules?Asin 
	rule rules?Acos 

/T String literals are also needed occasionally, e.g., in the LMFDB.❚
theory Strings : ur:?LF =
   include ?Logic
   string: type 
	 rule rules?StringLiterals 
	 concat: string ⟶ string ⟶ string

/T Now some more complex types. First lists.❚

theory Lists : ur:?LF =
   include ☞ 

theory InformalProofs : ur:?LF = 
  include ?Strings 
	proofsketch : {A : prop} string ⟶ ⊦ A  # sketch 2 
	byproof : {A,B} ⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ B  # by 3 
	addproofstep : {A,B,C: prop} ⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ B ⟶ ⊦ B  # 4 and 5 
	trivial : {A : prop} ⊦ A  = [A] sketch "trivial"  # trivial %I1 

/T (Finite) sets ❙
theory Sets : ur:?LF =
   include ?Logic❙
   /T the type operator of sets along with its constructors❙
   set: type ⟶ type ❙
   empty: {A} (list A) ❘# ∅ 1❘## ∅ %I1 ❙
   cons: {A} A ⟶ (list A) ⟶ (list A)❘ # 2 , 3 ❙ 

/T Multisets ❙

/T "Finite hybrid sets" (mutlisets with possibly negative mutliplicities) ❙

/T Now vectors, i.e., fixed-length lists.❚

theory Vectors : ur:?PLF =
  include ?Logic
	include ?Literals 
   /T the type operator of vectors (fixed-length lists) over a given type ❙
   vector : 𝒰 100 ⟶ nat_lit ⟶ type  # 1 ^^ 2 prec 32 
   zerovec : {t : 𝒰 100} vector t 0 
   vector_prepend : {t: 𝒰 100,n : nat_lit, a : t, b : vector t n} t ^^ (succ_nat_lit n)  # 3 ; 4

theory Matrices : ur:?LF =
  include ?Logic
	include ?Vectors 
  /T the type operator of matrices over a given type❙
  matrix : 𝒰 100 ⟶ nat_lit ⟶ nat_lit ⟶ type  = [T,n,m] vector (vector T m) n 

theory OptionType : ur:?PLF =
	include ?Logic 
	Option : 𝒰 100 ⟶ 𝒰 100 
	isDefined : {A} Option A ⟶ prop  # isDefined 2
	OptionGet : {A, a : Option A} ⊦ isDefined a ⟶ A  # get 2 %I3 
	None : {A : 𝒰 100} Option A  # None 
	None_is_not_Defined : {A : 𝒰 100} ⊦ isDefined (None A) ≐ false 
	Not_None_is_Defined : {A, a : Option A} ⊦ (a ≠ None A) ⟶ ⊦ isDefined a 
	Some : {A: 𝒰 100} A ⟶ Option A  # Some 2 
	Some_is_Defined : {A : 𝒰 100}{a:A} ⊦ isDefined (Some a) 
	get_some : {A : 𝒰 100}{a:A} ⊦ get (Some a) ≐ a 

theory DescriptionOperator : ur:?PLF =
	include ?OptionType 
	that : {A:𝒰 100,P:A ⟶ bool} ⊦ (∃! P) ⟶  A  # ι 2 %I3 
	that_proof : {A : 𝒰 100, P : A ⟶ bool, p : ⊦ ∃! P} ⊦ P (that A P p) 
	if_then_else_exists_proof : {A,P,a:A,b:A} ⊦ ∃! [x:A] (P ∧ x ≐ a) ∨ (¬ P ∧ x ≐ b)  # iteep 2 3 4
	if_then_else : {A : 𝒰 100, P : bool, a : A, b : A}A  # if 2 then 3 else 4 
		= [A,P,a,b] that A ([x] (P ∧ x ≐ a) ∨ (¬ P ∧ x ≐ b)) (iteep P a b) 
	if_then_else_case : {A : 𝒰 100, P : bool, a : A, b : A}A  = [A,P,a,b] if P then a else b  # case 2  3 . 4 prec 2 
	if_true : {A : 𝒰 100, P : bool, a : A, b : A, p : ⊦ P} ⊦ (if P then a else b) ≐ a  // = [A,P,a,b,p] _  
	if_false : {A : 𝒰 100, P : bool, a : A, b : A, p : ⊦ ¬ P } ⊦ (if P then a else b) ≐ b  // = [A,P,a,b,p] _  

theory ProductTypes : =
	// to have it in the meta-theory ❙                       

theory FiniteTypes : = 
theory InductiveTypes : =
    include ?Logic 

theory Sequences =
	include ☞ur:?Sequences 
	include ☞ur:?LFS 
	include ?Logic 
	forall_seq : {A: type}{n} (A^n ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop  # ∀n 3 prec -101 
	exists_seq : {A: type}{n} (A^n ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop  # ∃n 3 prec -101  = [A,n][P] ¬ forall_seq A n [s : A^n] ¬ (P s)

/T Finally, a theory that puts everything together (not recommended, because modularity) ❚

theory Math : ur:?PLF =
	include ?Subtyping 
	include ?Logic 
	include ?NaturalDeduction 
	include ?Literals 
	include ?Trigonometry 
	include ?Strings 
	include ?InformalProofs 
	include ?Lists 
	include ?Vectors 
	include ?Matrices 
	include ?OptionType 
	include ?DescriptionOperator 
	include ?ProductTypes 
	include ?Sequences