
/T LLF_P as introduced by Honsell, Liquori, Maksimovi, Scagnetto in
A logical framework for modeling external evidence, side conditions, and proof irrelevance using monads❚

import rules scala://
import lfrules scala://

theory Locks =
   // Lp p a b <T> is the type \mathcal{L}^p_{a,b}[T] from the paper.❙
   locktype # Lp 1 2 3 < 4 > 
   // Lm p a b <t> is the term \mathcal{L}^p_{a,b}[t] from the paper.❙
   lockterm # Lm 1 2 3 < 4 > 
   // U <t> for t:Lp p a b <T> is the term \mathcal{U}^p_{a,b}[t] from the paper.
      U is unary here because p, a, and b can be inferred from t.❙
   unlock # U < 1 >                                            
   // Convenience operator to bundle p, a, b into a single object.
   key # K 1 2 3❙

   // The typing rules.❙
   rule rules?InferLockType
   rule rules?InferLockTerm
   rule rules?InferUnlock
   rule rules?TypingLock
   rule rules?EqualityLock
   rule rules?UnlockLock

theory LLFP =
   include ?LF
   include ?Locks

theory CallByValueExample : ?LLFP =
   /T following Section 5.1 of the paper: call-by-value reduction ❙

   /T untyped λ calculus ❙
   term : type
   app : term ⟶ term ⟶ term  # 1 @ 2 prec 50
   lam : (term ⟶ term) ⟶ term # λ 1

   /T natural numbers ❙
   nat : type
   z : nat
   S : nat ⟶ nat
   /T free variables using natural numbers❙
   free : nat ⟶ term# ' 1 prec 100

   /T equality judgment and its rules ❙
   eq : term ⟶ term ⟶ type # 1  2  role Judgment
   refl : {M} M ≐ M# refl 1
   symm : {M,N} M ≐ N ⟶ N ≐ M
   trans : {M,N,P} M ≐ N ⟶ N ≐ P ⟶ M ≐ P
   eq_app: {M,N,X,Y} M ≐ N ⟶ X ≐ Y ⟶ M@X ≐ N@Y # eq_app 5 6

   /T We declare a single constant Val for the side condition and one rule that implements it.
      The condition Val N term checks if N:term is an abstraction or a free variable ❙
   rule rules?ValRule
   /T reduction rules using Val condition❙
   betav : {M,N} Lp Val N term <(λ M)@N ≐ (M N)> # betav 1 2
   csiv : {M,N}({x} Lp Val x term <(M x) ≐ (N x)>) ⟶ (λ M) ≐ (λ N) # csiv 3
   /T example from the end of the section ❙
   t1 = λ[x] 'z @ ((λ[y] y) @ x)
   t2 = λ[x] 'z @ x
   goal = t1 ≐ t2

   /T The following check succeeds without ever calling the ValRule because the unlock is under a lock.❙
   check: goal 
     = csiv [x] Lm Val x term <
       eq_app (refl 'z) U<betav ([y] y) x>

   /T The following example does not guard the unlock but still succeeds because 'n is indeed a value.❙
   check2 = [n] eq_app (refl 'z) U<betav ([y] y) 'n>

   /T The following negative example fails because x is any term and thus not necessarily a value.❙
   // fail   = [x] eq_app (refl 'z) U<betav ([y] y) x>❙

/T An alternative formulation that uses polymorphpic LF to define most of the typing rules in the logical framework.
   That corresponds to the Coq implementation of LLF_P by Honsell et al.❚
theory LLFP2 : ur:?PLF =
  PROP : type
  DED : PROP ⟶ type
  rule lfrules?TermIrrelevanceRule DED
  Lock : {p: PROP} (DED p ⟶ type) ⟶ type# L 1 2
  lock : {p: PROP} {a: DED p ⟶ type} ({p} a p) ⟶ L p a# l 1 3
  unlock : {p, a: DED p ⟶ type} L p a ⟶ {w:DED p} a w# U 3

theory LinearLogic : ?LLFP2 =
  o : type
  ded : o ⟶ type# ded 1 prec -5
  linear: {a,b} (ded a ⟶ ded b) ⟶ PROP# linear 3  
  lolli : o ⟶ o ⟶ o# 1  2
  lolliI : {A,B} {p:ded A ⟶ ded B} L (linear p) [q] ded A ⊸ B