
import rules scala://

/T   A representation of intersection types in MMT, following "Towards a Logical Framework with Intersection and Union Types" by Stolze, Liquori, Honsell, Scagnetto.❚

theory Intersection =
   include ?LF
   /T intersection type❙
   inter # 1  2
   /T elements of an intersection type❙
   pair #  1 , 2  
   /T projections from an intersection type❙
   project1 # proj1 1 
   project2 # proj2 1 

   rule rules?InterTerm
   rule rules?PairTerm
   rule rules?Projection1Term
   rule rules?Projection2Term
   rule rules?InterTyping
   rule rules?InterEqual

theory IntersectionTest : ?Intersection = 
  a: type
  b: type

  /T auto-application ❙
  test : ((a ⟶ b) ∩ a) ⟶ b
       = [x] (proj1 x) (proj2 x)
  /T This is a negative test: it should fail with an error that $(a ⟶ b)∩(a ⟶ b)$ is not equal to $(a ⟶ b)∩a$.❙
  // test2 = test test❙