
import rules scala://

// Linear logic
   Syntax: intuitionistic linear logic
   Proof theory: resource semantics based on Frank Pfenning's lecture notes
   (, Lecture 23-24) resource semantics

theory Syntax : =
   o : type
    : o ⟶ o ⟶ o # 1  2 prec 100
   1 : o
   & : o ⟶ o ⟶ o # 1 & 2 prec 100
    : o
    : o ⟶ o ⟶ o # 1  2 prec 100
   0 : o
    : o ⟶ o ⟶ o # 1  2 prec 80
   ! : o ⟶ o      # ! 1 prec 110
    : o ⟶ o ⟶ o # 1  2 prec 80
     = [x,y] !x ⊸ y

// We use untyped first-order logic with equality to define the sematnics.
   The values of the first-order universe are the worlds, and propositions may hold at different worlds.❚

theory Worlds : /examples?FOLEQNatDed = 
   include ?Syntax
   // worlds contain resources ❙
   world : type= term
   // composition of worlds, corresponds to multiset union of resources ❙
   union : world ⟶ world ⟶ world # 1 * 2 prec 100
   // empty world with no resources ❙
   empty : world# ε

   // * is a monoid❙
   neutL  : {P} ⊦ ε*P ≐ P
   neutR  : {P} ⊦ P*ε ≐ P
   assoc  : {P,Q,R} ⊦ (P*Q)*R ≐ P*(Q*R)
   // A @ P: A can be produced by using all resources available in world P❙
   at : o ⟶ world ⟶ prop
   At : o ⟶ world ⟶ type = [p,w] ⊦ at p w# 1 @ 2 prec 50role Judgment
   // a formula is valid if it holds in the empty world❙
   valid : o ⟶ type = [A] A @ ε# valid 1 prec -10 

// Apart from the monoid/multiset structure, there is no way to introduce worlds.
   The set of worlds is the freely-generated T over the bound world variables.
   Here T is the theory imposed on worlds, T is an extension of the monoid theory.

   Different extensions allow modeling different structural rules.
   The following gives three extensions, but only Exchange is used later on.❚

// Exchange corresponds to commutativity.❚
theory Exchange : /examples?FOLEQNatDed =
  include ?Worlds
   comm : {P,Q} ⊦ P*Q ≐ Q*P

   // We add two special type-checking rules that mechanize the monoid+commutativity axiom.
      Their implementations are given in the folder scala (sibling of source).❙
   // A simplification rule for *-terms: it normalizes bracketing of *, drops ε, and reorders the arguments❙
   rule rules?NormalizeWorlds

   test : {p,q,r} ⊦ r*(p*q)*ε*r ≐ r*(r*(q*p)) = [p,q,r] refl

   // An equality-checking rule for equations involving *: it normalizes both sides and solves meta-variables of type world.
      For example, it can reduce v*w=v*w' to w=w'.
      Situations like this came up in several of the examples below.
      This rule is admissible for solving meta-variables but not derivable from the monoid+commutativity axioms.
      Effectively, it works in the freely-generated commutative monoid.
      Because it is only admissible, it breaks modularity: e.g., it cannot be easily combined with a corresponding rule for idempotence.❙
   rule rules?EquateWorlds

// Contraction corresponds to idempotence.❚
theory Contraction : /examples?FOLEQNatDed =
  include ?Worlds
  idem : {P} ⊦ P*P ≐ P

// Weakening corresponds to the empty world being the least element.❚
theory Weakening : /examples?FOLEQNatDed =
  include ?Worlds
   // ordering with monotonicity❙
   weaker : world ⟶ world ⟶ prop  # 1  2 prec 80
   ≤_refl   : {P} ⊦ P ≤ P
   ≤_antisym: {P,Q} ⊦ P ≤ Q ⟶ ⊦ Q ≤ P ⟶ ⊦ P≐Q
   ≤_trans  : {P,Q,R} ⊦ P≤Q ⟶ ⊦ Q≤R ⟶ ⊦ P≤R 
   ≤_monotone: {a,b,c,d} ⊦ a ≤ b ⟶ ⊦ c ≤ d ⟶ ⊦ a*c ≤ b*d 

   // least world (without this, the order is trivial, i.e., there is no weakening)❙
   ≤_least : {P} ⊦ ε ≤ P

   // TODO: This should be a subtyping rule so that it does not occur in proofs.❙
   weaken: {A,v,w} A @ v ⟶ ⊦v≤w ⟶ A @ w
   divisibility: {P,Q} ⊦ P ≤ P*Q 
               = [P,Q] congF neutR ([u]u≤P*Q) (≤_monotone ≤_refl ≤_least) 

// Now proofs of the linear sequent A1, ..., An |- A are represented as terms of type
   (A1 ⊗ ... ⊗ An) ⊸ A  @  ε, where @ is the binary holds-at relation between propositions and worlds.❚
theory ResourceSemantics : /examples?FOLEQNatDed =
   include ?Worlds
   include ?Exchange

   ⊗_R  : {A,B,a,b} A @ a ⟶ B @ b ⟶ A ⊗ B @ a*b
   ⊗_L  : {A,B,C,u,v} A ⊗ B @ u ⟶ ({a}{b} A @ a ⟶ B @ b ⟶ C @ a*b*v) ⟶ C @ u*v
   # ⊗_L 6 7

   1_R : 1 @ ε
   1_L : {C,u,v} 1 @ u ⟶ C @ v ⟶ C @ u*v

   &_R  : {A,B,w} A @ w ⟶ B @ w ⟶ A & B @ w
   &_Ll : {A,B,C,u,v} A & B @ u ⟶ ({a} A @ a ⟶ C @ a*v) ⟶ C @ u*v
   &_Lr : {A,B,C,u,v} A & B @ u ⟶ ({b} B @ b ⟶ C @ b*v) ⟶ C @ u*v

   ⊤_R  : {w} ⊤ @ w
   ⊕_Rl : {A,B,w} A @ w ⟶ A ⊕ B @ w
   ⊕_Rr : {A,B,w} B @ w ⟶ A ⊕ B @ w
   ⊕_L  : {A,B,C,u,v} A ⊕ B @ u ⟶ ({a} A @ a ⟶ C @ a*v) ⟶ ({b} B @ b ⟶ C @ b*v) ⟶ C @ u*v  

   0_L  : {C,u,v} 0 @ u ⟶ C @ u*v 
   ⊸_R  : {A,B,w} ({a} A @ a ⟶ B @ a*w) ⟶ A ⊸ B @ w
   ⊸_L  : {A,B,C,u,a,v} A ⊸ B @ u ⟶ A @ a ⟶ ({b} B @ b ⟶ C @ b*v) ⟶ C @ u*a*v
   // alternatively
   ⊸_E  : A ⊸ B @ P ⟶ A @ Q ⟶ B @ P*Q
   ⊸_L : A ⊸ B @ H ⟶ A @ P ⟶ ({b} B @ b ⟶ C @ b*Q) ⟶ C @ H*P*Q
      = [p][q][f] f (H*P) (⊸E p q)

   !_R : {A} A @ ε ⟶ ! A @ ε
   !_L : {A,C,u,v} ! A @ u ⟶ (A @ ε ⟶ C @ v) ⟶ C @ u*v
   // In the remainder, we prove some derivable rules to exercise the calculus.❙
   ⊗_commute : {A,B} valid A⊗B ⊸ B⊗A
      = [A,B] ⊸_R [ab,h] ⊗_L h [a,b,p,q] ⊗_R q p

   // needs to solve abc * X = abc and ab * Y * X = ab * c, solution: X = epsilon, Y = c❙ 
   ⊗_assoc1 : {A,B,C} valid (A⊗B)⊗C ⊸ A⊗(B⊗C)
        = [A,B,C] ⊸_R [abc,h] ⊗_L h 
              [ab,c,pq,r] ⊗_L pq
                 ([a,b,p,q] ⊗_R p (⊗_R q r))
   ⊗_assoc2 : {A,B,C} valid A⊗(B⊗C) ⊸ (A⊗B)⊗C
        = [A,B,C] ⊸_R [abc,h] ⊗_L h 
              [a,bc,p,qr] ⊗_L qr
                 ([b,c,q,r] ⊗_R (⊗_R p q) r)

   ⊗_neutral1 : {A} valid A⊗1 ⊸ A
      = [A] ⊸_R [ao,h] ⊗_L h [a,b,p,q] 1_L q p
   ⊗_neutral2 : {A} valid A ⊸ A⊗1
      = [A] ⊸_R [a,h] ⊗_R h 1_R
   ⊕_commute : {A,B} valid A⊕B ⊸ B⊕A
      = [A,B] ⊸_R [ab,h] ⊕_L h ([a,p] ⊕_Rr p) ([b,q] ⊕_Rl q)

   ⊕_neutral1 : {A} valid A⊕0 ⊸ A
    = [A] ⊸_R [az,h] ⊕_L h ([a,p] p) ([z,q] 0_L q)
   ⊕_neutral2 : {A} valid A ⊸ A⊕0
      = [A] ⊸_R [a,h] ⊕_Rl h
   !_over_⊕ : {A,B} valid (!A⊕!B) ⊸ !(A⊕B)
            = [A,B] ⊸_R [ab,h] ⊕_L h ([a,p] !_L p ([pE] !_R (⊕_Rl pE)))
                                     ([b,q] !_L q ([qE] !_R (⊕_Rr qE)))
   !_over_& : {A,B} valid !(A&B) ⊸ (!A&!B)
          // TODO: This proof unexpectedly does not type-check, eventually failing at a=ε and b=ε.
             Further investigation is needed to determine if the proof is in fact wrong or
             if the type-checker is led astray by the EquateWorlds rule.
          //  = [A,B] ⊸_R [ab,h] &_R (!_L h [pqE] &_Ll pqE ([a,p] !_R p))
                                   (!_L h [pqE] &_Lr pqE ([b,q] !_R q))❙
   !_idempotent1 : {A} valid !!A ⊸ !A
                 = [A] ⊸_R [a,h] !_L h [k] !_L k [l] !_R l 
   !_idempotent2 : {A} valid !A ⊸ !!A
                 = [A] ⊸_R [a,h] !_L h [k] !_R (!_R k)
   !_weaken : {A} valid !A ⊸ A
            = [A] ⊸_R [a,h] !_L h [k] k