
import real scala://

rule scala://

theory NatLiterals : =
  include ?NatRules
  include ☞real:?Bool
  include ☞real:?StandardNat
  // this only type-checks because ⊦ 1+1 = 2 unifies with ⊦ true ❙
  test  : ⊦ 1+1 = 2 = trueI

theory IntLiterals : =
  include ?IntRules // this should include NatRules, but the last test only works with the rule IntRules?succ_invert/Solve❙
  include ☞real:?Bool
  include ☞real:?StandardInt
  test  : ⊦ 1-3 = -2  = trueI

theory Vectors : =
  include ?NatLiterals

  a     : type
  c     : a
  a_equal : a ⟶ a ⟶ type # 1 = 2 role Eq

  vec   : nat ⟶ type  # vec 1 prec 5
  empty : vec 0  #  
  cons  : {n} vec n ⟶ a ⟶ vec n'  # 2 , 3

  vec_equal : {n} vec n ⟶ vec n ⟶ type # 2 == 3role Eq
  append      : {m,n} vec m ⟶ vec n ⟶ vec (m + n)  # 3 @ 4
  // this only type-checks because vec n+0 and vec n are recognized as equal ❙
  appendempty : {n, v: vec n} v @ ∅ == v
  // this only type-checks because vec m + (n') and vec (m + n)' are recognized as being equal ❙
  appendcons  : {m,n, x, v: vec m, w: vec n} v @ (w,x) == (v @ w, x)
  last : {n} vec n' ⟶ a  # last 2
  lastcons : {n, x, v: vec n} last (v,x) = x role Simplify
  // this only type-checks because vec 3 and vec 0''' are recognized as equal ❙
  test1 : vec 3  = ∅,c,c,c
  // this only type-checks because vec 6 and vec (3+3) are recognized as equal ❙
  test2 : vec 6  = test1 @ test1 
  // this only type-checks because vec n' unifies with vec 3❙
  test3 : a = last test1