
//   An abstraction over the rational numbers and the arithmetic operations.❚

theory Numbers : =
  sort : type 
  tm   : sort ⟶ type 
  prop  : type 
  equal : {S} tm S ⟶ tm S ⟶ prop      # 2 = 3  ## 2 = _ 1 3   role Eq
  forall : {S} (tm S ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop   #  V2T . -3 prec -10   ##  _ V2T -3 prec -10 

  ded   : prop ⟶ type   # ded 1 prec -1   role Judgment

  rat   : sort  
  tmrat : type   = tm rat  #  

  zero :  # _0  ## %D0
  succ : ℚ ⟶ ℚ  # 1 ' prec 170 
  one  :  # _1  = _0 ' ## %D1
  two  :  # _2  = _1 ' ## %D2

  add  : ℚ ⟶ ℚ ⟶ ℚ   # 1 + 2 prec 150 
  sub  : ℚ ⟶ ℚ ⟶ ℚ   # 1 - 2 prec 150 
  neg  : ℚ ⟶ ℚ       # - 1   prec 170 

  mult : ℚ ⟶ ℚ ⟶ ℚ   # 1 · 2 prec 155 
  div  : ℚ ⟶ ℚ ⟶ ℚ   # 1 / 2 prec 155 

  exp  : ℚ ⟶ ℚ ⟶ ℚ   # 1 ^ 2 prec 160 

  power_example : ded ∀x.∀y.∀z.x^(y+z)=x^y·x^z 

theory Rules : =
  // Simplification rules for the rational numbers. ❙ 
  include ?Numbers
  // addition ❙
  add_zero_L : {x} ded _0 + x = x  role Simplify
  add_zero_R : {x} ded x + _0 = x  role Simplify
  add_succ_L : {x,y} ded x ' + y = (x+y)' role Simplify 
  add_succ_R : {x,y} ded x + y' = (x+y)' role Simplify

  // subtraction ❙ 
  sub_add : {x,y,z} ded x-(y+z) = x-y-z   role Simplify 
  sub_zero : {x} ded x - _0 = x   role Simplify 
  // negation  ❙ 
  neg_neg  : {x} ded -(-x) = x  role Simplify 
  neg_add  : {x,y} ded -(x+y) = -x + (-y)  role Simplify  
  neg_zero : ded - _0 = _0  role Simplify 
  // multiplication ❙
  mult_zero_L : {x} ded _0 · x = _0 role Simplify
  mult_zero_R : {x} ded x · _0 = _0 role Simplify
  mult_one_L  : {x} ded _1 · x = x role Simplify
  mult_one_R  : {x} ded x · _1 = x role Simplify
  mult_succ_L : {x,y} ded x'·y = x + x · yrole Simplify
  mult_succ_R : {x,y} ded x·y' = x·y+yrole Simplify
  mult_add_L  : {x,y,z} ded (x+y)·z = x·z+y·zrole Simplify
  mult_add_R  : {x,y,z} ded x·(y+z) = x·y+x·zrole Simplify
  mult_sub_L  : {x,y,z} ded (x-y)·z = x·y-y·zrole Simplify
  mult_sub_R  : {x,y,z} ded x·(y-z) = x·y-x·zrole Simplify
  mult_neg_L  : {x,y} ded (-x)·y = -(x·y)role Simplify
  mult_neg_R  : {x,y} ded x·(-y) = -(x·y)role Simplify
  // exponentiation ❙
  exp_zero : {x} ded x ^ _0 = _1 role Simplify
  exp_one  : {x} ded x ^ _1 = x role Simplify
  exp_add  : {x,y,z} ded x^(y+z) = x^y·x^z   role Simplify
  exp_exp  : {x,y,z} ded x^(y^z) = x^(y·z)   role Simplify
  one_exp  : {x} ded _1 ^ x = _1  role Simplify
  exp_mult : {x,y,z} ded (x·y)^z = x^z·y^z   role Simplify 

//   A sort of natural numbers and a big sum operator with notations for parsing and presentation.❚
theory Sums : =
  include ?Numbers

  nat   : sort  
  tmnat : type  = tm nat  #   
  incl  : ℕ ⟶ ℚ  # $ 1 prec 170 ## 1 prec 100000000

  sum  : ℕ ⟶ ℕ ⟶ (ℕ ⟶ ℚ) ⟶ ℚ  
       # Σ 1 to 2 3  prec 155
      ## Σ __ 1 ^^ 2 3 prec 155
  sum_example   : ded ∀m.∀n. Σ m to n ([i]$i)=($m·($m+ _1)-$n·($n+ _1))/ _2