namespace latin:/

fixmeta ?SFOLEQND

theory Option =
  option: tp ⟶ tp  # 1 ? prec 100  // unfortunately the notation ? does not work in binders, so use 'option A' there
  some: {A: tp} tm A ⟶ tm A?  # some 2
  none: {A: tp} tm A?  # none %I1 

  defined_and_equal_to: {A: tp} tm A? ⟶ tm A ⟶ prop
     = [A, optionValue, value] optionValue ≐ some value
     # 2  3 prec 20 

  defined: {A: tp} tm A? ⟶ prop
     = [A, optionValue] ∃[v: tm A] optionValue ≡ v
     # 2  prec 20  // we need higher precedence than ∧ (which is 10 currently) 

  if_defined_then_equal_to: {A: tp} tm A? ⟶ tm A ⟶ prop
     = [A, optionValue, value] optionValue ≐ none ∨ optionValue ≡ value
     # ifDefEq 2 3

  both_defined_and_equal: {A: tp} tm A? ⟶ tm A? ⟶ prop
     = [A, optionValue1, optionValue2] optionValue1↓ ∧ optionValue2↓ ∧ optionValue1 ≐ optionValue2
     # bothDefEq 2 3

  equality_ax: {A: tp} ⊦ ∀[optionValue1: tm (option A)] ∀[optionValue2: tm (option A)]
      optionValue1 ≐ optionValue2 ⇔ (optionValue1 ≐ none ∧ optionValue2 ≐ none) ∨ (∃[v: tm A] optionValue1 ≡ v ∧ optionValue2 ≡ v) 

  map: {A, B} tm A? ⟶ (tm A ⟶ tm B) ⟶ tm B?  # map 3 4 prec 25
  map_ax1: {A, B, f: tm A ⟶ tm B, a: tm A} ⊦ map (some a) f ≡ f a 
  map_ax2: {A, B, f: tm A ⟶ tm B} ⊦ (map none f) ≐ none 

  flatMap: {A, B} tm A? ⟶ (tm A ⟶ tm (option B)) ⟶ tm B?  # flatMap 3 4 prec 25 

theory ObjectLessComposition =
  include ?Option 
  mor: tp 
  Mor = tm mor 
  OptionMor = tm mor?  # Mor? 
  composition: Mor ⟶ Mor ⟶ Mor?  # 2  1 prec 200 

  // The question mark is on the optional side ❙
  opt_composition: Mor? ⟶ Mor ⟶ Mor?
     = [α, β] flatMap α ([z] z ∘ β)
     # 2 ∘? 1

  // The question mark is on the optional side ❙
  composition_opt: Mor ⟶ Mor? ⟶ Mor?
     = [α, β] flatMap β ([z] α ∘ z)
     # 2 ?∘ 1

// Object-less category theory according to ❚
theory ObjectLessCategory =
  include ?Option 
  include ?ObjectLessComposition 

  associativity: {α: Mor, β: Mor, γ: Mor}
    ⊦ (α ∘ β)↓ ∧ (β ∘ γ)↓ ⇒ (α ∘? (β ∘ γ))↓ ∧ ((α ∘ β) ?∘ γ)↓ ∧ (α ∘? (β ∘ γ)) ≐ ((α ∘ β) ?∘ γ)
  existence_of_subcompositions1: {α: Mor, β: Mor, γ: Mor} ⊦ (α ∘? (β ∘ γ))↓ ⇒ (α ∘ β)↓ 
  existence_of_subcompositions2: {α: Mor, β: Mor, γ: Mor} ⊦ ((α ∘ β) ?∘ γ)↓ ⇒ (β ∘ γ)↓ 

  leftIdentity: {m: Mor} Mor  # ' 1 prec 20 
  leftIdentityAlternativeNotation = leftIdentity  # dom 1 prec 20 
  rightIdentity: {m: Mor} Mor  # 1 '' prec 20  // notation ' 1 doesn't work with MMT's notation parser somehow 
  rightIdentityAlternativeNotation = rightIdentity  # cod 1 prec 20 

  ax_leftIdentityComposable: {α: Mor} ⊦ (α ∘ 'α)↓ 
  ax_rightIdentityComposable: {α: Mor} ⊦ (α'' ∘ α)↓ 

  ax_leftIdentityNeutral : {α: Mor, β: Mor} ⊦ (ifDefEq  (β ∘ 'α) β) ∧ (ifDefEq  (('α) ∘ β) β)
  ax_rightIdentityNeutral: {α: Mor, β: Mor} ⊦ (ifDefEq (β ∘ (α'')) β) ∧ (ifDefEq (α'' ∘ β) β)
  // {β: Mor} ⊦ (β ∘ ⟜β)↓ ⇒ (β ∘ ⟜β) ≡ β ❙

  is_identity: Mor ⟶ prop  = [α] ∃[β] α ≐ dom β ∨ α ≐ cod β 
  // Hom set between (dom α) and (cod β)
  hom: {α: Mor, β: Mor} tp ❙

// ❚
theory CategoryWithOneCollection =
  include ?Option 
  include ?ObjectLessComposition 

  obj: tp 
  dom: Mor ⟶ tm obj 
  cod: Mor ⟶ tm obj 

  id: tm obj ⟶ Mor 

  ax_dom_preserved: {f, g} ⊦ map (g ∘ f) dom ≡ dom f 
  ax_cod_preserved: {f, g} ⊦ map (g ∘ f) cod ≡ cod g 

  ax_identities_dom_cod: {a} ⊦ dom (id a) ≐ a ∧ cod (id a) ≐ a 

  ax_comp_defined: {f, g} ⊦ cod f ≐ dom g ⇒ (g ∘ f)↓ 

  ax_associativity: {f, g, h} ⊦ (dom g ≐ cod f ∧ dom h ≐ cod g) ⇒ bothDefEq ((h ∘ g) ?∘ f) (h ∘? (g ∘ f)) 

// ❚
theory CategoryWithHomSetsSFOL =
  obj: tp 

  hom: {dom: tm obj, cod: tm obj} tp 
  Hom: tm obj ⟶ tm obj ⟶ type  = [a, b] tm (hom a b) 
  id: {a} Hom a a 
  compositionABC: {x, y, z} Hom x y ⟶ Hom y z ⟶ Hom x z  # 5  4 prec 200 

  associativity: {a, b, c, d, f: Hom a b, g: Hom b c, h: Hom c d} ⊦ h ∘ (g ∘ f) ≐ (h ∘ g) ∘ f

  ax_identityLeftNeutral : {a, b, f: Hom a b} ⊦ (id b) ∘ f ≐ f 
  ax_identityRightNeutral: {a, b, f: Hom a b} ⊦ f ∘ (id a) ≐ f 

// view blah: ObjectLessCategory -> CategoryWithHomSetsSFOL =
  include ?Option ❙
  // mor = ? ❙