namespace latin:/

/T A fully modular specification of intuitionistic and classical propositional
  Every connective and all proof rules are specified in their own theories to maximize reusability.
  Proof rules follow natural deduction except that a judgment for inconsistency is used in some rules.

/T Naming conventions for theory name suffixes
   * ND: natural deduction rules
   * I resp. E: introduction resp. elimination rules

import rules scala://
fixmeta ur:?LF

theory Truth =
  include ?Propositions
  true  : prop

theory TruthND =
  include ?Truth
  include ?Proofs
  trueI : ⊦ true

theory Falsity =
  include ?Propositions
  false  : prop

theory FalsityND =
  include ?Falsity
  include ?Proofs
  falseE : ⊦ false ⟶ ↯# 1 falseE

theory Negation =
  include ?Propositions
  not   : prop ⟶ prop# ¬ 1   prec 20

theory NegationNDI =
  include ?Negation
  include ?Proofs
  notI  : {F} (⊦ F ⟶ ↯) ⟶ ⊦ ¬ F# notI 2

theory NegationNDE =
  include ?Negation
  include ?Proofs
  notE  : {F} ⊦ ¬ F ⟶ ⊦ F ⟶ ↯# 2 notE 3

theory NegationND =
  include ?NegationNDI
  include ?NegationNDE

theory AlternativeNegationAndFalsityND =
  include ?Proofs 
  include ?Falsity 
  include ?Negation 
  include ?Disjunction 
  notIntroduction : {A} (⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ false) ⟶ (⊦ ¬ A)  # altNotI 2 
  notElimination : {A} ⊦ ¬ ¬ A ⟶ ⊦ A  # altNotE 2 
  falseIntroduction : {A} ⊦ ¬ A ⟶ ⊦ A ⟶ ⊦ false  # altFI 2 3  role EliminationRule 
  falseElimination : {A} ⊦ false ⟶ ⊦ A  # altFE 1 2 

theory Conjunction =
  include ?Propositions
  and   : prop ⟶ prop ⟶ prop# 1  2 prec 15

theory ConjunctionNDI =
  include ?Conjunction
  include ?Proofs
  andI  : {F,G} ⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ G ⟶ ⊦ F ∧ G

theory ConjunctionNDE =
  include ?Conjunction
  include ?Proofs
  andEl : {F,G} ⊦ F ∧ G ⟶ ⊦ F# 3 andElrole ForwardRule
  andEr : {F,G} ⊦ F ∧ G ⟶ ⊦ G# 3 andErrole ForwardRule

theory ConjunctionND =
  include ?ConjunctionNDI
  include ?ConjunctionNDE

theory Disjunction =
  include ?Propositions
  or    : prop ⟶ prop ⟶ prop# 1  2 prec 15

theory DisjunctionNDI =
  include ?Disjunction
  include ?Proofs
  orIl  : {F,G} ⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ F ∨ G# 3 orIl
  orIr  : {F,G} ⊦ G ⟶ ⊦ F ∨ G# 3 orIr

theory DisjunctionNDE =
  include ?Disjunction
  include ?Proofs
  orE   : {F,G,C} ⊦ F ∨ G ⟶ (⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ C) ⟶ (⊦ G ⟶ ⊦ C) ⟶ ⊦ C# 4 orE 5 6role EliminationRule

theory DisjunctionND =
  include ?DisjunctionNDI
  include ?DisjunctionNDE

theory Implication =
  include ?Propositions
  impl  : prop ⟶ prop ⟶ prop# 1 %R⇒ 2 prec 10  

theory ImplicationNDI =
  include ?Implication
  include ?Proofs
  impI  : {F,G} (⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ G) ⟶ ⊦ F ⇒ G

theory ImplicationNDE =
  include ?Implication
  include ?Proofs
  impE  : {F,G} ⊦ F ⇒ G ⟶ ⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ G# 3 impE 4role ForwardRule

theory ImplicationND =
  include ?ImplicationNDI
  include ?ImplicationNDE
  total structure impl_preorder : ?Preorder =
    carrier = prop
    rel = [x,y] ⊦ x ⇒ y
    refl = [F] impI [f] f
    trans = [F,G,H,fg,gh] impI [f] gh impE (fg impE f) 

theory Equivalence =
  include ?Propositions
  equiv : prop ⟶ prop ⟶ prop# 1  2 prec 10

theory EquivalenceNDI =
  include ?Equivalence
  include ?Proofs
  equivI : {F,G} (⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ G) ⟶ (⊦ G ⟶ ⊦ F) ⟶ ⊦ F ⇔ G

theory EquivalenceNDE =
  include ?Equivalence
  include ?Proofs
  equivEl : {F,G} ⊦ F ⇔ G ⟶ ⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ G# 3 equivEl 4role ForwardRule
  equivEr : {F,G} ⊦ F ⇔ G ⟶ ⊦ G ⟶ ⊦ F# 3 equivEr 4role ForwardRule

theory EquivalenceND =
  include ?EquivalenceNDI
  include ?EquivalenceNDE
  total structure equiv_equivalence : ?EquivalenceRelation =
    carrier = prop
    rel = [x,y] ⊦ x ⇔ y
    refl = [F] equivI ([p]p) ([p]p)
    sym  = [F,G,p] equivI ([q] p equivEr q) ([q] p equivEl q)
    trans = [F,G,H,fg,gh] equivI ([f] gh equivEl (fg equivEl f))
                                 ([h] fg equivEr (gh equivEr h))

theory IPL =
  include ?Propositions
  include ?Truth
  include ?Falsity
  include ?Negation
  include ?Conjunction
  include ?Disjunction
  include ?Implication
  include ?Equivalence

theory IPLND =
  include ?IPL
  include ?Logic
  include ?TruthND
  include ?FalsityND
  include ?NegationND
  include ?ConjunctionND
  include ?DisjunctionND
  include ?ImplicationND
  include ?EquivalenceND
  not_or_left : {F,G} ⊦ ¬(F∨G) ⟶ ⊦¬F = [F,G,p] notI [q] p notE (q orIl)
  not_or_right : {F,G} ⊦ ¬(F∨G) ⟶ ⊦¬G = [F,G,p] notI [q] p notE (q orIr)
  nntnd : {F} ⊦¬¬(F∨¬F)= [F] notI [p] (not_or_right p) notE (not_or_left p)

  total structure impl_order : ?Order =
    include ?ImplicationND/impl_preorder 
    structure equalityRel = ?EquivalenceND/equiv_equivalence
    antisym = [F,G,fg,gf] equivI ([f] fg impE f) ([g] gf impE g)

theory Classical =
  include ?Logic
  classical : {F} ((⊦ F ⟶ ↯) ⟶ ↯) ⟶ ⊦ F# classical 2

theory ProofIrrelevance =
  include ?Logic
  rule rules?TermIrrelevanceRule ded

theory PL =
  include ?IPL

theory PLND =
  include ?PL
  include ?IPLND
  include ?ProofIrrelevance
  include ?Classical

  indirect : {F} (⊦¬F ⟶ ↯) ⟶ ⊦ F= [F,h] classical [q] h (notI q)# indirect 2  
  dne : {F} ⊦¬¬F ⟶ ⊦F= [F,p] indirect [q] p notE q
  tnd : {F} ⊦F∨¬F= [F] dne nntnd

/T Conjunction where the second conjunct's well-formedness may depend on the truth of the first conjunct
   Curry-Howard analogue of Sigma types ❚
theory DependentConjunction =
  include ?Logic
  dand   : {F} (⊦ F ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop# 1 ∧- 2 prec 10

theory DependentConjunctionND =
  include ?DependentConjunction
  dandI  : {F,G} {p:⊦ F} ⊦ G p ⟶ ⊦ F ∧- G
  dandEl : {F,G} ⊦ F ∧- G ⟶ ⊦ F# 3 dandElrole ForwardRule
  dandEr : {F,G} {p: ⊦ F ∧- G} ⊦ G (p dandEl)# 3 dandErrole ForwardRule

/T Disjunction where the second disjunct's well-formedness may depend on the falsity of the first disjunct
   Curry-Howard analogue of an unusual union type where the second argument is only considered if the first one is empty❚ 
theory DependentDisjunction =
  include ?Logic
  dor    : {F} ((⊦ F ⟶ ↯) ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop# 1 ∨- 2 prec 10

theory DependentDisjunctionND =
  include ?DependentDisjunction
  dorIl  : {F,G} ⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ F ∨- G# 3 dorIl
  dorIr  : {F,G} ({p:⊦ F ⟶ ↯} ⊦ G p) ⟶ ⊦ F ∨- G# 3 dorIr
  dorE   : {F,G,C} ⊦ F ∨- G ⟶ (⊦ F ⟶ ⊦ C) ⟶ ({p: ⊦ F ⟶ ↯} ⊦ G p ⟶ ⊦ C) ⟶ ⊦ C# 4 dorE 5 6

/T Implication where the implicate's well-formedness may depend on the truth of the implicant
   Curry-Howard analogue of Pi types ❚
theory DependentImplication =
  include ?Logic
  dimpl  : {F} (⊦ F ⟶ prop) ⟶ prop# 1 ⇒- 2 prec 10

theory DependentImplicationND =
  include ?DependentImplication
  dimpI  : {F,G} ({p} ⊦ G p) ⟶ ⊦ F ⇒- G
  dimpE  : {F,G} ⊦ F ⇒- G ⟶ {p:⊦ F} ⊦ G p# 3 dimpE 4role ForwardRule