namespace latin:/

fixmeta ur:?LF

theory Tableaux =
  include ?Propositions 
  marktrue : prop ⟶ type  # 1 ¹ prec -5  role TabMarker 
  markfalse : prop ⟶ type  # 1  prec -5  role TabMarker 
  closedbranch : type  #   = {p} p¹   role TabClosed 

  // We could define many of the rules below by defining P⁰ = P¹ ⟶ ⊥ ❙

  closebranch : {P} P¹ ⟶ P⁰ ⟶ ⊥  # close10 2 3 
  closebranch2 : {P} P⁰ ⟶ P¹ ⟶ ⊥  # close01 2 3  = [P,p0,p1] close10 p1 p0 

  proofstart : {P} (P⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ P¹  # start1 2 
  refutationstart : {P} (P¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ P⁰  # start0 2 

  classicality : {P} ((P¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ P¹ 

// We need classicality to prove proofstart ❚
view Tableaux2Proofs : ?Tableaux -> ?Classical =
  prop = prop 
  marktrue = [p] ⊦ p 
  markfalse = [p] ⊦ p ⟶ ↯ 
  closedbranch = 
  closebranch = [P, p1, p0] p0 p1 
  proofstart = classical 
  classicality = classical 
  refutationstart = [P,pr] pr 

view Proofs2Tableaux : ?Proofs -> ?Tableaux =
  prop = prop 
  ded = [p] p¹ 
  // classical = classicality ❙

theory NegationTab =
  include ?Negation 
  include ?Tableaux 
  negationTab0 : {P} ¬P⁰ ⟶ (P¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # negt0 2 3 
  negationTab1 : {P} ¬P¹ ⟶ (P⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # negt1 2 3 

view NegationTab2ND : ?NegationTab -> ?PLND =
  include ?Tableaux2Proofs 
  not = not 
  negationTab0 = [P, np0, p1r] np0 (notI p1r) 
  negationTab1 = [P, np1, p0r] np1 notE (classical p0r) 

view NegationND2Tab : ?NegationND -> ?NegationTab =
  include ?Proofs2Tableaux 
  not = not 
  notI = [F, fr : F¹ ⟶ ⊥] start1 ([nfr : ¬F⁰] negt0 nfr fr) 
  notE = [F, nf, f] negt1 nf ([f0] close10 f f0) 

theory ConjunctionTab =
  include ?Conjunction 
  include ?Tableaux 
  conjunctionTab0 : {A,B} A∧B⁰ ⟶ (A⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ (B⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # conjt0 3 4 5 
  conjunctionTab1 : {A,B} A∧B¹ ⟶ (A¹ ⟶ B¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # conjt1 3 4 

// view ConjunctionTab2ND : ?ConjunctionTab -> ?PLND =
  and = and ❙

theory DisjunctionTab =
  include ?Disjunction 
  include ?Tableaux 
  disjunctionTab0 : {A,B} A∨B⁰ ⟶ (A⁰ ⟶ B⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # disjt0 3 4 
  disjunctionTab1 : {A,B} A∨B¹ ⟶ (A¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ (B¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # disjt1 3 4 5 

theory ImplicationTab =
  include ?Implication 
  include ?Tableaux 
  implicationTab0 : {A,B} A⇒B⁰ ⟶ (A¹ ⟶ B⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # implt0 3 4 
  implicationTab1 : {A,B} A⇒B¹ ⟶ (A⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ (B¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # implt1 3 4 5 

theory EquivalenceTab =
  include ?Equivalence 
  include ?Tableaux 
  equivalenceTab0 : {A,B} A⇔B⁰ ⟶ (A⁰ ⟶ B¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ (A¹ ⟶ B⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # equivt0 3 4 5 
  equivalenceTab1 : {A,B} A⇔B¹ ⟶ (A⁰ ⟶ B⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ (A¹ ⟶ B¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  # equivt1 3 4 5 

theory UniversalQuantificationTab =
  include ?UniversalQuantification 
  include ?Tableaux 
  forallT : {P, X} ∀ P ¹ ⟶ (P X ¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  role ApplyRepeatedly 
  forallF : {P} ∀ P ⁰ ⟶ ({x} P x ⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥ 

theory ExistentialQuantificationTab =
  include ?ExistentialQuantification 
  include ?Tableaux 
  existsT : {P} ∃ P ¹ ⟶ ({x} P x ¹ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥ 
  existsF : {P, X} ∃ P ⁰ ⟶ (P X ⁰ ⟶ ⊥) ⟶ ⊥  role ApplyRepeatedly