namespace latin:/

fixmeta ur:?LF

theory Box =
  include ?Logic
  box: prop ⟶ prop#  1 prec 20

theory Diamond =
  include ?Logic
  diamond: prop ⟶ prop#  1 prec 20

theory ML =
  include ?PL
  include ?Box
  include ?Diamond

theory MLHilbert =
  include ?ML
  // Rules with hypothetical premises are not sound in Kripke models; so we need to use a Hilbert calculus.❙
  include ?PLHilbert

namespace kripkemodels

theory Worlds : latin:/?HOLND =
  world: tp# W

  liftPred2: {S,A,B} (          tm A ⟶           tm B  ⟶          prop)
                   ⟶ (tm S ⟶ tm A) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ tm B) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop)
      = [S,A,B,o,f,g] [x] o (f x) (g x)
      # liftFun2 4

  lift0: {S} prop ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop)
      = [S,o] [x]o
      # lift0 2
  lift1: {S} (prop ⟶ prop) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop)
      = [S,o,f] [x]o (f x)
      # lift1 2
  lift2: {S} (prop ⟶ prop ⟶ prop) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop)
      = [S,o,f,g] [x]o (f x) (g x)
      # lift2 2
  liftbind : {S} ({T}  (        tm T            ⟶ prop)  ⟶          prop) ⟶
                  {T} ((tm S ⟶ tm T) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop)) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ prop)
           = [S][B][T][F][x] B (S→T) [f] F (apply1 f) x
           # liftbind 2

ref latin:/?DisjunctionHilbert2ND
ref latin:/?NegationHilbert2ND
ref latin:/?ImplicationHilbert2ND
ref latin:/?EquivalenceHilbert2ND

theory KripkeFrame : latin:/?TypedLogic =
  include ?Worlds
  accessible : tm W ⟶ tm W ⟶ prop # 1 acc 2 prec 30

theory KripkeModel =
  include ☞latin:/?SFOLEQ
  include ?KripkeFrame

view PropSemantics : latin:/?Propositions  ?Worlds =
  prop = tm W ⟶ prop

view LogicSemantics : latin:/?Logic  ?Worlds =
  include ?PropSemantics
  ded = [f] {w} ⊦ f w

view PLSemantics : latin:/?PL  ?Worlds =
  include ?PropSemantics
  true = lift0 true
  false = lift0 false
  and = lift2 and
  or = lift2 or
  impl = lift2 impl
  not = lift1 not
  equiv = lift2 equiv

view PLHilbertSemantics : latin:/?PLHilbert  ?Worlds =
  include ?PLSemantics
  include ?LogicSemantics
  trueI = [w] trueI
  falseE = [f] [g,w] f w falseE inconE
  andI  = [F,G,f,g][w] andI (f w) (g w)
  andEl = [F,G,fg] [w] fg w andEl
  andEr = [F,G,fg] [w] fg w andEr

  orIl = [F,G,f] [w] f w orIl
  orIr = [F,G,f] [w] f w orIr
  orE_ax = [F,G,H][w] orE_ax
  impE = [F,G,fg,f] [w] (fg w) impE (f w)
  K_ax = [F,G,w] K_ax
  S_ax = [F,G,H,w] S_ax
  notI_ax = [F,w] notI_ax 
  notE = [F,nf,f] [g,w] (nf w) notE (f w) inconE
  equivI_ax = [F,G,w] equivI_ax
  equivEl = [F,G,fg,f] [w] (fg w) equivEl (f w)
  equivEr = [F,G,fg,g] [w] (fg w) equivEr (g w)
  classical = [F,p] [w] classical [Fwincon] [A] p ([Fw,Gv,v] Fwincon (Fw w) (Gv v)) ([u] A) w

view TermSemantics : latin:/?TypedTerms  ?Worlds =
  /T constant universe; alternative would be tp = tm W ⟶ tp❙
  tp = tp
  tm = [S] tm W ⟶ tm S

view SFOLSemantics : latin:/?SFOLEQ  ?Worlds =
  include ?TermSemantics
  include ?PLSemantics
  include ?LogicSemantics
  forall = liftbind forall
  exists = liftbind exists
  equal = [S] liftFun2 (equal S)

view MLSemantics : latin:/?ML  ?KripkeModel =
  include ?PLSemantics
  include ?LogicSemantics
  box = [p] [v] ∀ [w] v acc w ⇒ p w
  diamond = [p] [v] ∃ [w] v acc w ∧ p w 

view MLHilbertSemantics : latin:/?MLHilbert  ?KripkeModel =
  include ?MLSemantics
  include ?PLHilbertSemantics