namespace latin:/

/T Dynamic Logic is a Multi-Modal Logic originally introduced by
  Vaugham Pratt in 1996 for reasoning about imperative programs
  and later extended to more general uses in linguistics and philosophy.
  See for details.
  Dynamic Logic comes with a very simple non-deterministic programming
  language Π that only features composition, distribution, iteration, test, and assignment.
  The main idea is to have a modality for every program α and proposition A:prop
  - ⟬α⟭A means that "if α terminates, then $A$ holds afterwards"
  - ⦉α⦊A means that "α terminates and $A$ holds afterwards".
  The possible worlds are "states", i.e. variable assignments for program
  variables, and a state w:world is accessible from state v:state for program α,
  if a run of program α in v yields state w.
  Dynamic logic comes in three levels of modeling: 
  - Proposititional Dynamic Logic: programs are built up from program opaque variables,
    states are unspecified, and tests are over propositional formulae.
  - First-Order Dynamic Logics: program contain (program) variables and assignment,
    possible worlds are states, accessibility is state change.

fixmeta ur:?LF

theory Programs =
  prog : type# Π

/T Dynamic Logic is just the multimodal logic 
   where the modality is given by Π programs. ❚
theory DynamicLogic =
  include ?MML
  realize ?Programs
  prog = modality 

/T A simple non-deterministic programming language ❚
theory NonDetProg =
  include ?PL
  include ?Programs

  /T the programming language primitives of a non-deterministic programming
    language Π whose semantics is easy to specify.❙
  comp : Π ⟶ Π ⟶ Π# 1 ; 2 prec 5
  distrib : Π ⟶ Π ⟶ Π# 1  2 prec 30
  iteration : Π ⟶ Π# * 1 prec 60
  test : prop ⟶ Π# 1 ? prec 10

  /T in Π, we can define the usual program combinators we know and love ❙
  skip : Π = true ?
  ifte : prop ⟶ Π ⟶ Π ⟶ Π # if 1 then 2 else 3
       = [F,P,Q] (F ? ; P) ∪ (¬F ? ; Q)
  while : prop ⟶ Π ⟶ Π # while 1 do 2
        = [F,P] *(F ?;P) ; ¬F ?
  until : prop ⟶ Π ⟶ Π # repeat 2 until 1
        = [F,P] *(P; ¬F ?) ; F ?

theory PropDynamicLogic =
  include ?DynamicLogic
  include ?NonDetProg

/T A theory of (first-order) program variables and for Π; we also extend the language of
tests ot sorted first-order logic ❚
theory TypedDynamicLogic =
  include ?PropDynamicLogic
  include ?SFOLEQ
  var : tp ⟶ type
  retrieve : {S} var S ⟶ tm S# ` 2 prec 60
  assign  : {S} var S ⟶ tm S ⟶ Π# 2  3 prec 35
  random_assign : {S} var S ⟶ Π# randomize 2 prec 35

/T A simple example to test what we have done above ❚
theory Example : ?TypedDynamicLogic =
  include ?Booleans
  int: tp
  1:tm int
  5:tm int
  plus: tm int ⟶ tm int ⟶ tm int# 1 + 2 prec 50
  test: {b: var bool,x:var int}prog
      = [b,x] x≔1; b≔tt; while `b≐tt do (x ≔ `x+1; if `x≐5 then b≔ff else skip); x≔`x+1

namespace kripkemodels

/T a theory of states, i.e. assignments to program variables ❚
theory State : latin:/?HOL =
  include ?Worlds
  cell : tp ⟶ tp
  state: tm W ⟶ {S} tm cell S ⟶ tm S # 3 * 1 prec 50 
  extends : tm W ⟶ tm W ⟶ {S} tm cell S ⟶ (tm W ⟶ tm S) ⟶ prop
          = [v,w,S,n,x] n*w ≐ x v ∧ ∀[m] ¬n≐m ⇒ m*v≐m*w
          # extends 1 2 4 5
  trclos : {S} (tm S ⟶ tm S ⟶ prop) ⟶ (tm S ⟶ tm S ⟶ prop) # trclos 2 3 4
  trclose_extend : {S,r} {x,y: tm S} ⊦ r x y ⟶ ⊦ trclos r x y
  trclose_refl : {S,r} {x: tm S} ⊦ trclos r x x
  trclose_trans: {S,r} {x,y,z: tm S} ⊦ trclos r x y ⟶ ⊦ trclos r y z ⟶ ⊦ trclos r x z

view DynamicLogicSemantics : latin:/?DynamicLogic  ?State =
  include ?MMLSemantics

view NonDetProgSemantics : latin:/?NonDetProg  ?State =
  include ☞latin:/?Programs❘ = ?DynamicLogicSemantics
  include ?PLSemantics
  comp = [p,q] [u,w] ∃ [v] p u v ∧ q v w
  distrib = [p,q] [v,w] p v w ∨ q v w
  iteration = [p] [v,w] trclos p v w
  test = [f] [v,w] f v ∧ v≐w

  // check currently skipped❙
  skip = [v,w] v ≐ w

view PropDynamicLogicSemantics : latin:/?PropDynamicLogic  ?State =
  include ?DynamicLogicSemantics
  include ?NonDetProgSemantics

view TypedDynamicSemantics : latin:/?TypedDynamicLogic  ?State =
  include ?PropDynamicLogicSemantics
  include ?SFOLSemantics
  var = [S] tm cell S
  retrieve = [S,n] [w] n*w
  assign = [S,n,x] [v,w] extends v w n x 
  random_assign = [S,n] [v,w] ∃[t: tm W→S] extends v w n ([u]t@u)