namespace latin:/

fixmeta ur:?LF

/T A formalization of Discourse Representation Theory (Hans Kamp \cite{Kamp:atotas81}; 
  see also \cite{KamRey:acffodrs96}).
  This formalization is patterned after
  only that we restrict ourselves to the first-order case. 
  We give DRSes and Conditions a mode (in the type), where modes record the binding 
  and bindable (i.e. free) discourse referents. 
  In particular, the modes allow us to predict binding potentials; just see the positive 
  referents in the mode. 
  The modes have special computation rules here, so that they are normalized correctly.


theory DRT =
  dr: type //Discourse Referents ❙
  mode : type  //DLC modes, they annotate the dynamic status of DRs ❙
  pos: dr ⟶ mode# 1  prec 60
  neg: dr ⟶ mode# 1  prec 60
  empty : mode# 
  punion : mode ⟶ mode ⟶ mode# 1  2 prec 50

  mequal : mode ⟶ mode ⟶ type# 1  2 prec 30role Eq
  refl : {x} x ≐ x
  // bounded semi-lattice❙
  capture: {x} x⁺⊎x⁻ ≐ pos x //specifying DR capture ❙
  rule ☞scala://modes.drt.latin2?NormalizePunion
  close : mode ⟶ mode# 1  prec 60
  close_pos: {x} x⁺↓ ≐ ∅ role Simplify
  close_neg: {x} x⁻↓ ≐ x⁻ role Simplify
  close_empty: ∅↓ ≐ ∅ role Simplify 
  close_close: {x}x↓↓ ≐ x↓ role Simplify
  // normal form of modes: set of DR with function into boolean❙
  drs : mode ⟶ type# 1 # o prec -5 // type of DRSes ❙
  tm : mode ⟶ type# tm 1 prec -5 // type of terms ❙
  cond : mode ⟶ type# cond 1 prec -5 // type of conditions ❙
  /T DRSs❙
  atomic : {m,n} cond n ⟶ drs (m⊎n)# 1 | 3 prec 10  // m is just set of drs, all mapped with pos in the return type❙
  merge : {m,n} drs m ⟶ drs n ⟶ drs(m⊎n) # 1  2 
  seqmerge : {m,n} drs m ⟶ drs n ⟶ drs (m ⊎ n↓) # 1 ;; 2 

  /T conditions❙
  and : {m,n} cond m ⟶ cond n ⟶ cond m⊎n# 3  4 prec 20
  dneg : {m} drs m ⟶ cond m↓# ¬* 2 prec 60
  dimpl : {m,n} drs m ⟶ drs n ⟶ cond (m⊎n↓)↓ # 3 ⇒* 4 prec 20 

  /T terms❙
  idref : {i:dr} tm i⁻# ` 1 prec 60

theory Example : ?DRT =
  /T example for a predicate❙
  farmer : {m} tm m ⟶ cond m# %%prefix 1 1 prec 100
  donkey  : {m} tm m ⟶ cond m# %%prefix 1 1 prec 100
  stick  : {m} tm m ⟶ cond m# %%prefix 1 1 prec 100
  beat: {l,m,n} tm l ⟶ tm m ⟶ tm n ⟶ cond l⊎m⊎n# %%prefix 3 3 prec 100
  own: {m,n} tm m ⟶ tm n ⟶ cond m⊎n# %%prefix 2 2 prec 100
  u: dr
  v: dr
  w: dr
  uv : mode = u⁺ ⊎ v⁺
  /T A farmer owns a donkey ❙
  fod = uv | farmer`u ∧ donkey`v ∧ own(`u)`v
  /T He beats it with a stick ❙
  fbds = w⁺ | stick`w ∧ beat(`u)(`v)`w
  /T the iconic DRT example: If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it with a stick ❙
  donkey_sentence: drs ∅ = ∅ | fod ⇒* fbds